Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Trump or Harris?


   Kamala Harris is all for providing a minimum income for those who don't meet certain income levels. We are already approaching that with income supplements for housing, health insurance, nutrition assistance, etc. 

   The U.S. standard of living IS the big prize for immigrants. It's always been the case. California is a good example of what happens when we have insufficient housing and jobs to accommodate millions of illegals. Also, be reminded that a good number of tent dweller types in San Francisco, LA, Seattle, Portland, NYC are not illegals, but U.S. residents who are not thriving well. Part of this is our problem. Poor living conditions of illegals is not. The number of illegals taking jobs and housing is gasoline on this fire and Harris is encouraging them to come. 


   Granted, they are looking for a better life, but the fact that their home countries are not providing the necessary growth and security that they need. That is not our fault. AND it should not be missed that we are receiving illegal immigrants from all over the world. We set an example for them to make the world they live in a better place. That is what we have done in the U.S.. It is incumbent on citizens to build their own governments capable of doing that.  

   Trump said the number of illegals in our country could balloon to 50 million. You might say no way, but let's see. A Harris presidency means the Democrats and the Media will heavily support of her policies. Heavily. Like they are doing right now. 

   Promising a minimum income to those who are not working to support themselves, is raising expectations of poor people in Central and South America and the entire world, encouraging them to cross our Southern border as we speak, bringing their demands with them. Once they get organized, they will fight. Considering that we have no way to say how many terrorists who are ready for this fight are already in the U.S., our calm, sane and conservative population will be faced with major violence sooner or later. It's happening in the UK and France and Germany now. You are being naïve if you think it will not happen here.  As the illegals flow in this war is inevitable.  

   Harris wants to close ICE. In ten years ICE will be largest law enforcement agency in the country. They will be the only law enforcement agency able to keep them from throwing us out of our own homes. She also wants to defund police agencies. They will be the backup. After that, the U.S. military will take over. 

   I am a sane, calm conservative and I hope that you are too. But what I am seeing is that we have a Presidential candidate who supports policies that will eventually and inevitably lead to martial law. 

   We have worked hard and sacrificed so much to attain a tenuous hold on our standard of living, far too hard to let it be taken away by Democrats and harmful politicians like Harris. (Do you think that LA citizens are proud of their city and of what they have been able to accomplish?)

   Big problems like this cannot be solved by glad handing and "pie in the sky" politicians like Harris.  We have in Donald trump and hard talking, common sense man who is not afraid of the truth. 

   He will protect us from ourselves just like he will protect his own family. Strength is not always cotton candy. Don't allow the Media and the Democrats convince you that he is evil. As long as common sense is preserved we have nothing to be afraid of. Trump or Harris? I will vote for Trump.

Friday, April 5, 2024

From "We've Got Issues"


   Reading Dr. Phil McGraw's "We've Got Issues," about Bari Weiss who was an editor with the New York Times and was forced to resign after bringing conservative opinions and suffering harsh criticism. Cancellation, in my words. A quote, and a warning,  from her resignation letter: "a new consensus has emerged...that the truth isn't a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known (my words: Ideology) to n enlightened  few whose job is to inform everyone else." 

   We don't often get to see this far into important conclusions and corruptions of trusted resources like the NYT that we rely on for our day to day thinking. Theoretically, "we the people" run this country. The Media has the responsibility to advise us. But we have abdicated our rule to the unknown faces behind closed doors of Media by trusting them not only to advise but also to give consent. 

    Do you remember what happened to the news when CNN and Robin Meade became 24 hour face of our news while reporting on Hurricane Hugo? I remember. And my take on what happened was that the News Media had a tremendous growth spurt. For the first time we had news 100% of the time. Then the others came like Fox...old news. Right? Well, my take is that the news Media grew by a leap...but the news did not. What we have had since then is comparable to a couple dozen horses pulling a one wagon train of news. The first multi million dollar a year news announcers who quickly exhausted the news load, and still does every day, had to have something to broadcast. So they started providing us with their opinions. That's what has happened. And with the editorials came agendas of very rich elite people who knew that they could generate money profits by attracting our attention (clicks)  in conjunction with online Media, with algorithms. Proven and documented and still going on.  The old saying that good news doesn't sell nearly as well as bad news because fear and hate generate a hell of a lot more attention that warm and fuzzy. If they can divide us they can profit from that.

   It's gone so far as to enable our President to censure political opponents using Facebook and Twitter BY the FBI and DOJ. Proven and documented. AND they used the same to provide cover for their censuring of Americans over the January 6 Insurrection That Wasn't and Schiff's and the Democrats' falsely charging our President with legal garbage. 

   It's not pretty. Border that the Democrats will not close. Immigration policy that won't work and no one is working on it. Biden tried to pass a change allowing 2 million a year through and credential them to work. That's not a solution but the Left wants us to think it was. 

    So that's all I have tonight. God bless you and God bless America,.  

Jim Self


Thursday, April 4, 2024

15 Week Abortion Regulation

 Abortion. If we had an opportunity to vote today, how would we vote? What does common sense suggest? It's an opinion, of course, but the lady has a decision to make and in most cases? It's not an easy one. 

  She needs enough time. If a chemical abortion is the choice then she has about 10 weeks. The price is around  $550 from planned parenthood. Plus you must be careful to rule out an ectopic pregnancy because that can kill the mother.

   if you wait, like humans do, then surgical abortion is the only choice. In my opinion it must remain a legal procedure. Bit it must not be allowed to become less a procedure and more of a surgical butcher job.

   Are we really going to make it legal to butcher fully formed, thumb sucking babies just because they are still in the womb? 

15 weeks is long enough. That's common sense talking. And it's not a ban. It's a regulation. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

Sunday, March 10, 2024

5 years, My Twitter Was Read Rarely

 If you are Tweeting, you need to look at the number of times your stuff is read. The notion of free expression of your wisdom to millions of readers is false without expense. And the quality of the crowd seems to be mostly activist, women showing off and bots spreading false information to leftists who believe any old thing out of convenience instead of common sense. 

I like Elon, I guess, but I was suspended over nothing. I found that I was suspended from nothing over nothing. $11 a month thrown away over an illusion. Waste your money if you want to. I quit. I'd rather blog. At least a few people will read my stuff. 

Please leave a comment. Let me know you are there. Thanks. Jim Self

No One Listens to Rachel Maddow

 Rachel Maddow proves the theory: Anything negative, whether it is rational or not, counters the entire sensible, truthful narrative, because it is the last thing one hears on the matter. Some people run away from the truth because the truth is inconvenient for them. Those shallow people are the lemmings and Rachel Maddow is their Pied Piper.

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. 

Friday, March 8, 2024

One World Control Communists Disguised as Climate Change Activists

 John Kerry, Al Gore, Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama. The US President must be either part of the conspiracy or feckless enough to enable them without realizing it. What do you think? 

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Hillary Wants to Replace Biden

 Just like I said a month or two ago Hillary is making her move to take Biden's place in this coming election. She's getting on the point that he is an elderly man and that's how she's going to handle it. She knows Kamala cannot take his place and she wants it badly. So get ready folks it's going to be Trump and Hillary. Just like I said before.

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

CNN Tebasco

 CNN is planning to make plans to reorganize the chairs... Just like on the Titanic. This is one of the easiest events to predict of the century. Watch Anderson Cooper and Blitzer. And Maddow and  the Scarborough twins? I am enjoying this! 

   Let this be a lesson: News organizations are failing when their business models present more opinion and predictions...and less news. 

   Also, news is relatively limited. There's not much of it. However, there are many high paid news casters who are forever lacking in "quantity with quality". They end up presenting "quantity without quality".  It's a situation pregnant with probabilities of failure. It's like 12 horses pulling a one horse wagon. Think about it. That's our Media. 

   Can you imagine Walter Cronkite putting his notes down and telling us what he thought about us being in the Vietnam War? The Media has become something entirely different than what it was in our younger years. 

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. Jim Self

Nikki Says It's not Normal

    She is right. Most of us dislike both candidates.

The Southern Border is wide open and flooded with illegals while our government gaslights us that we are wrong. 

Two wars at the same time and we are financing both of them. 

Climate change unprovable nonsense is taking priority where countries have more critical issues to deal with. 

Inflation sucks our wealth while our government says we are doing wonderfully. 

Our President can't talk or walk but leaders say he is the smartest man on the planet.

Twitter is full of sexually dysfunctional radicals wanting everything we can imagine while they call conservatives racists without a spread of credibility

The last election was stolen by unknown 10s of thousands of fake ballots inserted into the system and it was covered up by sold out Media and election/political officials.

Our President is guilty of bribery and the Democrats and Media are covering for him. 

 Nikki Haley is the only candidate with a steering wheel.

We have one candidate who will start putting things right again. Please consider voting for Haley. Please! 

Twitter and Trump, Total waste of time

 Bamberg County went 20 points ahead of Nikki for Trump. I am hugely disappointed in them. But that may be the way it goes in 24.  Part of it is our desire to disbelieve that the country has so many people who are corrupt. They really believe the election was stolen... And I am one of them. But I also believe that Trump will be blocked from fixing immigration or spending by crazy one issue voters, mostly women. 

While I am here ... I have learned that Twitter is censoring us badly. Elon is full of shit. And I am sorry. But, my following is almost negative now, just as it has been on Twitter for five years. Nobody is talking about the continued existence of the USA . Twitter and Trump...A total waste of time. 

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. Jim Self

Friday, March 1, 2024

Tyrant Bully Joe Biden

 So Hunter admits to doing the business that Joe denied. Joe had the guy who testified against Hunter arrested. A couple of days later Joe calls Fox News and tells them the charges have been discredited... Not because the guy was proven a liar, but because he was arrested. Maybe I have missed something but no. Joe Biden thinks he can bully his way past the law. That should be clear to all of us.

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. Jim Self

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Why Is accomplishment a Bad Thing To the Youth and Good Thing for Older People

   Without a working and accurate knowledge of history, as young people are, the young tend to listen to those who are speaking. And those who are speaking to them, activists, know how to trigger and convince them to react according to their narrative. From the Internet they are pummeled by destructive ideas and confusing values from activists who disguise themselves as above average intellectuals. And the young people believe them and repeat their designs online disguised as more intellectuals. 
   You know, there comes a point in the process of maturity where we must dispense or reject  the values of our parents and establish our own, persona. If that happens at the same time political or radical activists are in the same proverbial room that we are in it is easy to see how we can leave conservative tracks into radicalism. 
   We are not as smart as we think we are, especially when we are young adults. Through lessons learned about productive habits and engagement in the American Dream as we work and educate our way there, we grow into Western Liberalism minded adults, desirous of values like personal liberty, success orientation and small government. Online abuse of these values has, of course, brought more disagreement from young people about these ideas and there is little we can do about that. We, as always, hope they grow up before some terrible event damages them or worse. 
   The difference between 1954 and now is the internet. Young people are reading and listening to truly bad ideas and one of the consequences of this is big government with bad ideas that get votes, like heroin and cocaine and fentanyl legalization and entitlements for everyone...equality of  outcomes instead of opportunities.
    Equality of outcomes is the working population giving part of their income to provide a basic income for everyone else. Those of us who are knowledgeable about this understand that is Socialism leading to Communism...and economic collapse...things like worldwide famine and revolution for the leftovers.
   Some young people cannot see success as a good thing. Instead they buy the narrative that this is a few taking wealth from the many, the standard narrative that refuses the notion that necessity is the mother if invention. Humans are able to predict outcomes. Unfortunately some only see the inconvenience of denying the benefit of the obvious. 
   Clear to us older citizens of the world, that cannot have a good ending. Still it is being called for by activists. In 1954 it would have been tantamount to advising young people to play Russian Roulette with a loaded gun. No editor would have allowed a news reader to say such things. Now there is no editor between bad ideas and publication. 
   One should observe radicals with the question: How much of this narrative comes from their desire for convenience? In this "modern" era people appear to be moving left as a result of convenience...backed up by their "friends" online...people they have never met...listening to them instead of their parents and family. It's the same as when I was young and my parents worried about who I associated with after school time.  As adults we all know how bad things can happen to or children when we are not watching out for them. Now the internet is bringing those bad actors right into their bedrooms 24 hour a day, 7 days a week,  telling them the quick, easy way is the best way. 

Jim Self  2024

Kelly Ann Conway on Current Concerns

   Says the two dominant issues that Americans are concerned with this year are the millions of illegals and deadly drugs freely flowing into the US over our open Southern Border, and bringing inflation under control. Two issues, by the way, that the leftist Media organizations fantasize about... Gaslighting that they are insignificant. 

   If you ask a parent of one of the 70,000 people who died of a fentanyl overdose in 2022, I'll wager they wouldn't say that, but Media types can say anything and not be challenged for it. 

   I can see Shift and Bernie and Schumer and Hillary and Pelosi laughing at the turmoil. Laughing at us. 

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. Jim Self

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Hey Elon

 I am still locked out and I have no idea what I said to piss your staff off... I'd like to know. On second thought, I can see that you aren't concerned. It was pretty shitty what you all did to me. So I discontinued my Twitter account. Please discontinue taking my money.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Trump Says He Will Deport All Illegals


   It's convenient to talk this way. It will get him votes. But it's a short lived victory, based on an impossible notion. Since Media Companies are controlled, basically, by Leftist Socialists, Democrats will direct them to instruct us as to the cruelty and the inhumanity. Just like the false narrative of Border Police whipping and running down illegals while riding horseback, that evolved instant outcries from everyone who believed it to be true, so will it build a hatred of conservatives for destroying an "entire race" of people by sending them back into their "shithole" countries...the very Trump phrase that pretty much started the WOKE movement that still drives the narrative today. Imagine Media's war on conservatives a thousand times bigger. It will bring the government down, again. That's what Trump has in store for us. I hate to say it, but along with his attractive Charismatic Patriotism he has a terminal problem. If he is elected he won't get anything done because Media (Remember Zuck Bucks) controls the herd and the herd casts their votes and all the votes they can invent. Remember that.

One more thing. The refugee crisis  is not the result of global climate warming due to CO2. It is because of population growth in third world countries. The failure of third world governments to provide infrastructure for clean water, modern sewage treatment, representative government with  security and high expectations that we have in the United States. It's created Socialistic  growth failure in business and in economies. Without growth you have no investment because no growth means little accumulation of capital for use. And in this world you spell growth: j o b s. That is the  Crux of what's going on. Those people are escaping poverty that is unending and forever if they stay, and corruption and criminality at a level that is unimaginable in our country. 

Regardless of the reason, the refugee issue is real and the United States is the most desirable place to live in the world, so they are coming here. Think about it. Our border has been basically wide open forever. What's changed? Media promises of freedom and wealth in America. That's what has changed. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Contacting People. Is the World Hacked?

 How do we contact people like Elon Musk or Nikki Haley? Try it. I tried to contact Elon and his people because I was out of line but I don't know what I did. They haven't told me. I won't be surprised if we find that we have been censored by leftists and maybe Elon doesn't really care about any of this.

Also,  I am wondering if  WinRed is a fraudulent site. I have tried to contribute to her campaign and all of my cards are being declined. They work everywhere else. It could be my age but the only way to send her money is directly to her address on Daniel Island...for me, anyway. At least there is that.

My Facebook was hacked and my account has been locked for a week now. No Idea why. They haven't said. Facebook is a low priority in my life. Thank God for the sanity. But I do like to keep track of my friends.

I fully expect to find out at some time that both of these sites have been Democrats. That's the bad news. The good news is that I am getting along just fine without either Facebook or Twitter. It's refreshing not to have queers and Socialist Democrats and reparations and seeing white people getting the shit kicked out of themselves by my face with the rest of it. I don't need all of that. I just need a place to say it publicly like all of the rest of the angry Americans. Seems like the left have the attention of America and we are locked out, Is that what is going on?

IS Anyone Else Having a Problem with REDWIN Declining Your Cards?


I have carefully tried to contribute my small contributions to Nikki Haley's campaign through the RedWin sit but the site declines all of my that work everywhere else. And I have attempted t notify her. I sent her the first contribution to her home on Daniel Island. It went through, check was deposited. Guess I will do that again. I want her to win but how can she win with this problem? I don't know the answer. 

Jim Self

116 Long Bow Rd.

Summerville, SC 29485

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

X is an Enabler for Extremists

    It's true. Twitter is the goto outlet for radicals. I don't know about the others but my Twitter experience has been watching radical homosexuals spread their hateful and immoral crap around the Internet for us all to experience and I am telling you that I am tired of it.

   I have been limited because of tweeting something they didn't like... The truth...and to my chagrin and requests they haven't shown me what it was. After this I think it's time to pull the plug on X. 

   For how many years I have participated but I think it was truly wasted time. So, unless something happens to change my mind, I am done with it. And Elon Musk? Goes to the bottom my list. ..  where the leech of the century, Zuckerberg, lives. 

X Discouraging

   X put me on limited access. They haven't shown me what for, though I asked. 

   Browsing I saw lawyer Cohen lambasting Trump supporters because Trump was going to assassinate some of his opponents.

   Something to think about is that by reading or watching things published like this we are assigning  them probability. Skits or actual recordings of violence on Twitter mostly, actually teach failing people how to get attention, not to mention whatever they are stealing. 

   Is X really a good thing? I am thinking it may be time to cancel my X subscription. Elon may have to do it without me. 

   God bless America.