Sunday, March 3, 2024

Nikki Says It's not Normal

    She is right. Most of us dislike both candidates.

The Southern Border is wide open and flooded with illegals while our government gaslights us that we are wrong. 

Two wars at the same time and we are financing both of them. 

Climate change unprovable nonsense is taking priority where countries have more critical issues to deal with. 

Inflation sucks our wealth while our government says we are doing wonderfully. 

Our President can't talk or walk but leaders say he is the smartest man on the planet.

Twitter is full of sexually dysfunctional radicals wanting everything we can imagine while they call conservatives racists without a spread of credibility

The last election was stolen by unknown 10s of thousands of fake ballots inserted into the system and it was covered up by sold out Media and election/political officials.

Our President is guilty of bribery and the Democrats and Media are covering for him. 

 Nikki Haley is the only candidate with a steering wheel.

We have one candidate who will start putting things right again. Please consider voting for Haley. Please! 

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