Sunday, March 3, 2024

CNN Tebasco

 CNN is planning to make plans to reorganize the chairs... Just like on the Titanic. This is one of the easiest events to predict of the century. Watch Anderson Cooper and Blitzer. And Maddow and  the Scarborough twins? I am enjoying this! 

   Let this be a lesson: News organizations are failing when their business models present more opinion and predictions...and less news. 

   Also, news is relatively limited. There's not much of it. However, there are many high paid news casters who are forever lacking in "quantity with quality". They end up presenting "quantity without quality".  It's a situation pregnant with probabilities of failure. It's like 12 horses pulling a one horse wagon. Think about it. That's our Media. 

   Can you imagine Walter Cronkite putting his notes down and telling us what he thought about us being in the Vietnam War? The Media has become something entirely different than what it was in our younger years. 

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. Jim Self

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