Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Mueller is shaking the trees hoping something will fall out.

Reading the AP news item: "Meuller Warns Lies could Spur Charges" by Chad Day and Eric Tucker in th e Post and Courier November 1st, 2017.  Paul Manafort and Rick Gates allegedly took 21 million dollars from Ukraine Government Officials whom some refer to a mafia or organized crime setup more than a government and didn't pay taxes on the money, instead hiding it from government view.  Ukraine legitimate leaders are angry about it. The average monthly salary in Ukraine is $224. If I was a taxpayer I would be angry. This all happened years ago. Manafort "steered Trump's campaign for much of last year" until he was dumped identified as being a  risk for them.
My view is that some will say that Trump knew about it and is a crook. I say that if the FBI didn't know about it, it is reasonable to assume that Trump did not, either. Without evidence to the contrary, he gets the benefit of a doubt and we move on. Innocent until proven guilty is how we wish to be treated. Right? Same for our President. Otherwise they can just type in lies about anybody, tweet them, and bring them down to ruin.
This fellow, George Papadopoulos, a low level person in Trump's campaign, claims he was told by a Professor based in the UK that the Russians had "dirt on Democrat Clinton in the form of thousands of emails" well before it became public. They suggest the professor's name is  Joseph Mifsud. He says he did not pass the information up because he did not know if it was "real or fake". The article does not say who hacked the emails. George has plead guilty for lying to the FBI about legal contacts with the Russians and is soon to be sentenced. So the bottom line is that Meuller is really reaching for something, anything... shaking the trees, hoping something will fall out.
How many millions of dollars is this investigation costing us?