Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Trump or Harris?


   Kamala Harris is all for providing a minimum income for those who don't meet certain income levels. We are already approaching that with income supplements for housing, health insurance, nutrition assistance, etc. 

   The U.S. standard of living IS the big prize for immigrants. It's always been the case. California is a good example of what happens when we have insufficient housing and jobs to accommodate millions of illegals. Also, be reminded that a good number of tent dweller types in San Francisco, LA, Seattle, Portland, NYC are not illegals, but U.S. residents who are not thriving well. Part of this is our problem. Poor living conditions of illegals is not. The number of illegals taking jobs and housing is gasoline on this fire and Harris is encouraging them to come. 


   Granted, they are looking for a better life, but the fact that their home countries are not providing the necessary growth and security that they need. That is not our fault. AND it should not be missed that we are receiving illegal immigrants from all over the world. We set an example for them to make the world they live in a better place. That is what we have done in the U.S.. It is incumbent on citizens to build their own governments capable of doing that.  

   Trump said the number of illegals in our country could balloon to 50 million. You might say no way, but let's see. A Harris presidency means the Democrats and the Media will heavily support of her policies. Heavily. Like they are doing right now. 

   Promising a minimum income to those who are not working to support themselves, is raising expectations of poor people in Central and South America and the entire world, encouraging them to cross our Southern border as we speak, bringing their demands with them. Once they get organized, they will fight. Considering that we have no way to say how many terrorists who are ready for this fight are already in the U.S., our calm, sane and conservative population will be faced with major violence sooner or later. It's happening in the UK and France and Germany now. You are being naïve if you think it will not happen here.  As the illegals flow in this war is inevitable.  

   Harris wants to close ICE. In ten years ICE will be largest law enforcement agency in the country. They will be the only law enforcement agency able to keep them from throwing us out of our own homes. She also wants to defund police agencies. They will be the backup. After that, the U.S. military will take over. 

   I am a sane, calm conservative and I hope that you are too. But what I am seeing is that we have a Presidential candidate who supports policies that will eventually and inevitably lead to martial law. 

   We have worked hard and sacrificed so much to attain a tenuous hold on our standard of living, far too hard to let it be taken away by Democrats and harmful politicians like Harris. (Do you think that LA citizens are proud of their city and of what they have been able to accomplish?)

   Big problems like this cannot be solved by glad handing and "pie in the sky" politicians like Harris.  We have in Donald trump and hard talking, common sense man who is not afraid of the truth. 

   He will protect us from ourselves just like he will protect his own family. Strength is not always cotton candy. Don't allow the Media and the Democrats convince you that he is evil. As long as common sense is preserved we have nothing to be afraid of. Trump or Harris? I will vote for Trump.

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