Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Why Is accomplishment a Bad Thing To the Youth and Good Thing for Older People

   Without a working and accurate knowledge of history, as young people are, the young tend to listen to those who are speaking. And those who are speaking to them, activists, know how to trigger and convince them to react according to their narrative. From the Internet they are pummeled by destructive ideas and confusing values from activists who disguise themselves as above average intellectuals. And the young people believe them and repeat their designs online disguised as more intellectuals. 
   You know, there comes a point in the process of maturity where we must dispense or reject  the values of our parents and establish our own, persona. If that happens at the same time political or radical activists are in the same proverbial room that we are in it is easy to see how we can leave conservative tracks into radicalism. 
   We are not as smart as we think we are, especially when we are young adults. Through lessons learned about productive habits and engagement in the American Dream as we work and educate our way there, we grow into Western Liberalism minded adults, desirous of values like personal liberty, success orientation and small government. Online abuse of these values has, of course, brought more disagreement from young people about these ideas and there is little we can do about that. We, as always, hope they grow up before some terrible event damages them or worse. 
   The difference between 1954 and now is the internet. Young people are reading and listening to truly bad ideas and one of the consequences of this is big government with bad ideas that get votes, like heroin and cocaine and fentanyl legalization and entitlements for everyone...equality of  outcomes instead of opportunities.
    Equality of outcomes is the working population giving part of their income to provide a basic income for everyone else. Those of us who are knowledgeable about this understand that is Socialism leading to Communism...and economic collapse...things like worldwide famine and revolution for the leftovers.
   Some young people cannot see success as a good thing. Instead they buy the narrative that this is a few taking wealth from the many, the standard narrative that refuses the notion that necessity is the mother if invention. Humans are able to predict outcomes. Unfortunately some only see the inconvenience of denying the benefit of the obvious. 
   Clear to us older citizens of the world, that cannot have a good ending. Still it is being called for by activists. In 1954 it would have been tantamount to advising young people to play Russian Roulette with a loaded gun. No editor would have allowed a news reader to say such things. Now there is no editor between bad ideas and publication. 
   One should observe radicals with the question: How much of this narrative comes from their desire for convenience? In this "modern" era people appear to be moving left as a result of convenience...backed up by their "friends" online...people they have never met...listening to them instead of their parents and family. It's the same as when I was young and my parents worried about who I associated with after school time.  As adults we all know how bad things can happen to or children when we are not watching out for them. Now the internet is bringing those bad actors right into their bedrooms 24 hour a day, 7 days a week,  telling them the quick, easy way is the best way. 

Jim Self  2024

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