Monday, March 11, 2024

Sunday, March 10, 2024

5 years, My Twitter Was Read Rarely

 If you are Tweeting, you need to look at the number of times your stuff is read. The notion of free expression of your wisdom to millions of readers is false without expense. And the quality of the crowd seems to be mostly activist, women showing off and bots spreading false information to leftists who believe any old thing out of convenience instead of common sense. 

I like Elon, I guess, but I was suspended over nothing. I found that I was suspended from nothing over nothing. $11 a month thrown away over an illusion. Waste your money if you want to. I quit. I'd rather blog. At least a few people will read my stuff. 

Please leave a comment. Let me know you are there. Thanks. Jim Self

No One Listens to Rachel Maddow

 Rachel Maddow proves the theory: Anything negative, whether it is rational or not, counters the entire sensible, truthful narrative, because it is the last thing one hears on the matter. Some people run away from the truth because the truth is inconvenient for them. Those shallow people are the lemmings and Rachel Maddow is their Pied Piper.

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. 

Friday, March 8, 2024

One World Control Communists Disguised as Climate Change Activists

 John Kerry, Al Gore, Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama. The US President must be either part of the conspiracy or feckless enough to enable them without realizing it. What do you think? 

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Hillary Wants to Replace Biden

 Just like I said a month or two ago Hillary is making her move to take Biden's place in this coming election. She's getting on the point that he is an elderly man and that's how she's going to handle it. She knows Kamala cannot take his place and she wants it badly. So get ready folks it's going to be Trump and Hillary. Just like I said before.

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

CNN Tebasco

 CNN is planning to make plans to reorganize the chairs... Just like on the Titanic. This is one of the easiest events to predict of the century. Watch Anderson Cooper and Blitzer. And Maddow and  the Scarborough twins? I am enjoying this! 

   Let this be a lesson: News organizations are failing when their business models present more opinion and predictions...and less news. 

   Also, news is relatively limited. There's not much of it. However, there are many high paid news casters who are forever lacking in "quantity with quality". They end up presenting "quantity without quality".  It's a situation pregnant with probabilities of failure. It's like 12 horses pulling a one horse wagon. Think about it. That's our Media. 

   Can you imagine Walter Cronkite putting his notes down and telling us what he thought about us being in the Vietnam War? The Media has become something entirely different than what it was in our younger years. 

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. Jim Self

Nikki Says It's not Normal

    She is right. Most of us dislike both candidates.

The Southern Border is wide open and flooded with illegals while our government gaslights us that we are wrong. 

Two wars at the same time and we are financing both of them. 

Climate change unprovable nonsense is taking priority where countries have more critical issues to deal with. 

Inflation sucks our wealth while our government says we are doing wonderfully. 

Our President can't talk or walk but leaders say he is the smartest man on the planet.

Twitter is full of sexually dysfunctional radicals wanting everything we can imagine while they call conservatives racists without a spread of credibility

The last election was stolen by unknown 10s of thousands of fake ballots inserted into the system and it was covered up by sold out Media and election/political officials.

Our President is guilty of bribery and the Democrats and Media are covering for him. 

 Nikki Haley is the only candidate with a steering wheel.

We have one candidate who will start putting things right again. Please consider voting for Haley. Please! 

Twitter and Trump, Total waste of time

 Bamberg County went 20 points ahead of Nikki for Trump. I am hugely disappointed in them. But that may be the way it goes in 24.  Part of it is our desire to disbelieve that the country has so many people who are corrupt. They really believe the election was stolen... And I am one of them. But I also believe that Trump will be blocked from fixing immigration or spending by crazy one issue voters, mostly women. 

While I am here ... I have learned that Twitter is censoring us badly. Elon is full of shit. And I am sorry. But, my following is almost negative now, just as it has been on Twitter for five years. Nobody is talking about the continued existence of the USA . Twitter and Trump...A total waste of time. 

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. Jim Self

Friday, March 1, 2024

Tyrant Bully Joe Biden

 So Hunter admits to doing the business that Joe denied. Joe had the guy who testified against Hunter arrested. A couple of days later Joe calls Fox News and tells them the charges have been discredited... Not because the guy was proven a liar, but because he was arrested. Maybe I have missed something but no. Joe Biden thinks he can bully his way past the law. That should be clear to all of us.

Please leave a comment so I will know you are out there. Thanks. Jim Self