Thursday, February 27, 2020

Democrats Have Lost Their Minds

Democrats are people who have lost their minds. Open borders, free everything for the world, Taxpayer funded and unregulated abortion and infanticide, no guns because we trust..."gulp"...Democrats, voting rights for illegal immigrants who are foreign citizens, voting rights for convicts. Trump and our Republicans have lowered my taxes by a great deal, inspired confidence in the economy for investors to invest driving growth and job creation, are securing the border in spite of Democrat opposition, strengthened the badly weakened military and shown Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer that they cannot use our system of justice and rules to illegally take over our government and reverse an election. The Democrats can join us right now and we can address health care together, putting something together that doesn't wreck the whole economy. Right now. Why not? Because their leadership is busy trying to oppose our President with everything they've got. WHERE ARE THE SANE DEMOCRATS? Ya know, they say they want to make this a peaceful place by eliminating guns while passing laws that make it unlawful to treat a late term aborted but living baby because it is not wanted? My response to that is completely unprintable. Mitch McConnell wants a law that makes it illegal to have an elective/birth control abortion after 20 weeks. That's a damn good idea. 12 would be better but I would take 20. Snowflakes! Good Lord help us!

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