Wednesday, October 31, 2018

It's Not Anti-Semitism. It's Another Sociopath.

   CNN would have us believe the Tree of Life Pennsylvania Synagogue was a result of anti-Semitism. That shooting was not the result of systemic prejudice against Jews in America. The Emmanuel Church shooting in Charleston was not indicative of systemic prejudice, either, though there is nothing more delicious to CNN than suggesting that Americans are a bunch of dangerous racists. If it were true we would have shootings by groups on groups like only Hollywood could produce the likeness of...and would love to do it if it would make them money.
   The truth is that we are in a world where at least 1% of us are sociopaths. No conscience, no regrets, no empathy. How does one plan for life with no passion? All those holes... but still vulnerable to a sense of purpose. Sometimes a badly misguided purpose.
   Not all sociopaths become mass murderers. But, as we know, some do. Public voices can create sentiment in trusted circles of young and youngish sociopaths who are vulnerable to a trigger...a trigger that can easily lead to over reaction and destruction. I believe that destructive rhetoric on the  internet has contributed quite a lot to the triggering of sociopaths. And folks, it is not Donald Trump who has been doing this. It's CNN and the New York Times people who have weaponized the Media. Trump is defending us from their destructive effects. They blame the destruction caused by their rhetoric on Trump. It's easy to see. It's a game to them. It makes them money.
   I believe that most family members of sociopathic personalities recognize the characteristics...the ones that have made their lives uneasy growing up. They know what I am talking about. And they know how ignored and avoided their sociopathic sibling or child has been. If asked, they really don't know why "he did it", but in their circle of family and friends, they are not surprised.
   Sociopaths are not entirely the victims of genetic issues, either. Social conditions in which they are raised contribute and can entirely create the problem. The notion of 1% could be a rather large understatement. It could be 2, 3 or 4 out of every 100 people will end up with homicidal capability and with incomplete personalities.
   So, getting back to anti-semitism and Pennsylvania and anti- black racism in Charleston, we would do well to remember that these two incidents, as well as Sandy hook elementary school, were events that  occurred as a result of unstable personalities...sociopaths...going off...triggered by their own distinct combinations of triggering events...and NOT the results of nationwide anti-black racism...or anti-Semitism as CNN would have you believe...or even anti-elementary aged school children or even Batman movie goers or concert attendees in Las Vegas or even to Gay concert goers in Florida. They are the result of crazy people who have marginally functioned up to a certain point and then are stimulated to do something that draws attention or is, in their minds, a sigificant terminal event...a badly misguided but strangely attractive and satisfyingly purposeful event. The have had nothing to do with any "-ism". They have been crazy people.
   The event does not have to be directed at a group. It can be directed at a young lady hitch hiking or walking to her home every evening after work or jogging a familiar roadway every evening or morning or walking on a busy street in Myrtle Beach, SC.
   The 1 or more percent are everywhere. As our population grows and we become more densely populated, there are more and more of these people among us, and we are more likely to come into contact with them. Seemingly random murder has always been here, but it is becoming more common, and it will continue to increase in frequency. It's certainly something to think about.
    What would you do if one of these people  with a baseball bat broke through your front door at 3 a.m.? Or stepped from behind a tree in your front yard as you left for work or went out to get the paper? Be street smart. Plan ahead. Don't listen to the timid, blind, people who refuse to acknowledge the obvious truth...the victims.  Don't be a victim. Arm yourself.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

It's Not Hard To Understand That This is Our New Normal

   We are not getting along as well as well as wish we were. With the internet and Media weaponization, our information distribution has become much more dense and less well vetted for truthfulness and accuracy...protected by the 1st amendment and driven by the normal varmint...greed.
   This is the new normal unless we restrict the 1st amendment and the 2nd, which, thankfully, is not going to happen.
   I believe that  the rise of concealed weapons carrying and the absence of the dreaded "Dodge City Mentality" brings us the message that the universality of concealed weapons permits brings with it a counter to illegal gun violence that  those of us who desire it should have. That's for the pyschopaths. For the loud mouthed political who fancy themselves Nazis I think we should just stop and wait for it to become something we absolutely have to deal with.  Does time heal all wounds? Can you fix stupid? There is nothing in this that must be necessarily permanent. Right? Maybe the Nazi wannabes will get hungry and realize they are doing nothing more than making their situations worse...and go home and get jobs. Judging from the supposedly huge protest against the Kananaugh appointment, the Soros/liberal "machine" was only able to produce two thousand protesters at best. Some machine. That was weak tea. I think the liberals  have already shot their wad. So, get your CWP, carry 100% of the time, don't argue with the few liberal morons you may come into contact with and know that you are contributing to the safety of yourselves and others in the greatest nation in the world.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Vote For Funding Instead of Proposals

  In order to balance the budget, one thing we must do is to place the cost of things into prospective with respect  to the existential probabilities of our nation. For suggested programs...things that the Federal Government wants to do for things that appeal to the dumbass youngsters that don't have a clue how important it is to pay for things...or even who the Vice President is???...or which part of Congress actually impeaches the President and what it takes to do that sort of thing...You know who I am talking about?  Other peoples' kids kids???....things like that...I think they...we.... should have to vote for the funding instead of voting for the program...AND WHO IS GOING TO BE WILLING TO PAY FOR IT! ...with impact statements showing how much it is LIKELY to cost and how it effects the budget and our we do for a bridge...and how much of an environmental impact vs economic impact it will make. Is that a stupid idea?  I think I would like to see that tried and see what happens. Once people actually saw an economic impact statement of ...say...Bernie Sander's Medicare for All and the confiscatory taxes on us, the Stock Market, the overall Federal debt and this year's debt spending and how that will effect the value of our money...and how the health of our economy will be effected, only then can I make an intelligent decision on it. Same thing on unfettered immigration across an open border? How does that really effect our objectives of maintaining a healthy economy and country as a whole? Some things are too subjective but plenty of important elements can be objectively analyzed. We should at least consider it. Jim Self

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Tweets this morning: October 17, 2018

Between Bill Clinton, Bob Menendez and Anthony Weiner...Hillary Clinton's husband and  friends, and whoever is doing the many things can I say about that group? That book would read like a bad Pulp Fiction. How can they end up governing our country? I think of them and I think of my family reunions...they would be immediately ejected. We would have to keep those elite Democrats away from our wallets and our wife's jewelry, our wives, our children, and our dogs.

THAT is the failure. Our failure. As a country...yeah. That is what happens when the Media fails to do it's job. Without the Media, prostitution reigns. Good time for prostitutes. Morals? Who needs them? Not so much for family values. Look at your children and wonder how they will be. I expect that there is a website or two advertising Prostitutes for Democrats. Sanctioned by Hillary Clinton, Bob Memendez and Bill...who may then black mail you. You know...That's what they mean by "Democrats will surprise you!" Merry Christmas.

Can we afford to be a country without a moral compass? Even animals have a moral compass. How do we replace what we have with something that provides us with the REAL NEWS? One America? I have been going straight to News from Israel...stuff like that. By the way...we may be on the brink of a major war from Syria. I bet Israel has a plan to knock out those Russian Sams FIRST THING. I better call Netanyahu and tell him about that.

Morals. Clinton morals. Hmmm. Vacuous: silly, inane, unintelligent, insipid, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, brainless, witless, vapid, vacant,empty headed...on your knees, open mouth. Hillary said that Monica was a grown woman. That makes it ok.
I think I have almost exhausted my "clever genius" morning. Morning is my best time. Hi, Foo! Sitting here listening to my clones on Ham Radio. Conservatives. Music to my ears. It's really neat! 80 meters rocks! Gotta get me a linear amplifier. Hey Honey, Can I have 1600 dollars?
I think I am about to make a big shift in activities and it will be a good thing. It costs me about $1300 bucks to hunt deer each year and although I bemoan leaving my friends...that almost one linear amplifier. Decisions...decisions.

They had to shut down 13 Waffle Houses in the path of Hurricane Michael...and they had to shut down 23 Golden Corrals in the path of Stacy Abrams's campaign tour. PDF! Pretty Damn Funny.