Saturday, March 11, 2017

One Way Thinkers vs. Two Way Thinkers

     3/11/2017   Let me begin with a notion that, I believe, has a lot of merit and may explain much of what we are seeing. "One way thinkers".. for me, means  people who are mostly single issue voters, what we call liberals and progressives...which are fancy, political credibility applying words for people who demand the authority to make everyone happy...where the end is the only thing that is important...Alinsky said that...without considering the responsibility for the means. Two way thinkers want many of  the same things, but they are responsible people who also consider the costs.
    One way thinkers demand  "the authority to make everyone happy" and ignore those who get hurt. In abortion, who is happy and who gets hurt? In welfare, who is happy and who gets hurt? The "means", are the cost in terms of lives lost in riots and assassinations, money cost of permanent entitlements, traditions and value systems like having a family, getting married, raising children, teaching them to get an education and be responsible and independent are assaulted and damaged, cars burned, windows broken, policemen shot, stores looted, laws ignored by common people, powerful people, government leaders, presidential candidates. These "means" as a way to make everyone happy amount to attacking the things that make us  strong and different from European and third world countries.  One way thinkers.
    I think that the number of one way thinkers may not be increasing as they desperately want us to believe. They, a general percentage of our population, have been there all the time. That number could be and probably is fairly steady. Our PERCEPTION of the group has been changed by a couple of things...notably, fake internet news, low information, agenda driven bloggers and commentators now having a microphone to the world, development of the art of argument to the point of terrorism, and the tendency of the main stream media to follow the internet and getting lost in the "giggle", taking us down the drain with them.
   The power of one way thinkers comes from the fear they create in two way much so that the two wayers will retreat, not vote, not speak...and allow the one wayers to have their way. THAT is what all of this protesting and violence and terrorizing arguments are all about.  They are trying to terrorize us two way thinkers from standing up for what we believe in. If you are pro life you are "at war" with feminism. If you have a problem with men in your little girl's bathroom then you are at war with LGBT crowd. If you like your gun in your pocket then you are paranoid and at war with all innocents of the world. Ya get it? Who are you at war with?
   Free day care for every mother in the country would be a wonderful thing! But who is going to pay for it? One way thinkers don't care about that, but they still want it. One way thinkers have been fighting for government support forever. It has always, is now, and will always be there. In this Socialistic non-thinking, the consequences are truly terrible. But one way thinkers don't think about the consequences. They are not programmed to think that way. Read "The Liberal Mind" by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., MD. "The Psychological Causes of Political Madness".
   These one way thinkers keep pushing and pushing, making their small presence appear to be quite large and making politicians uncomfortable while gaining ground by electing leaders who turn out to be boneheads. In Europe, these boneheaded politicians have allowed millions on refugees to flood into their cities, draining their treasuries, refusing to assimilate and clamoring to change the laws that made their cultures what they are. These boneheads will take some time to change out through elections and all the time the two way thinkers will have to deal with the protests and riots by one wayers who will claim that two wayers are at war with innocent immigrant families, ignoring the wholesale rape and murder of citizens.
   Europe has a tough way to go and it will take a long time to fix. Two way thinkers in America see the issue and want to head it off. Two way thinkers almost lost the last election by allowing the one wayers to scare them off from voting. Only 50% of the voters actually voted. The one wayers want us to think that the other non-voting 50% are like them...fuel for their arguments for their own credibility. But don't believe them. There are far more thinking, responsible people in the country than there are boneheads.
 Now, one way thinkers try every day to vilify President Trump any way they can. The main stream media is still on the Dump Trump Train, solidly...overreacting, making every flaw, every slight misstep and mistake evidence of lies, cover up, and crime. It's as bad for Trump as it was for Hillary, except that for Hillary there was evidence and most of it was probably true. For Trump, it's just anything and everything the one way thinkers can conjure up with their internet tools and sick imaginations.
   So, I like the idea that the terms Liberal and Progressive give political credibility to common one way thinkers who are distinguished only for their "low information" and their ability to ignore and deny responsibility for the negative consequences of there demands. And that they use violence and terrorizing arguments to silence their opponents and victims...and to make their make their modest numbers appear to be much larger and therefore more politically significant.
   Jim Self

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