Jim Self Nov., 27,2024
If governments limited their help to their markets so that they all can be considered “free”, to an equal extent, then supply and demand could control distribution and manufacturing, again to an equal extent. This may never happen because the economic institutions are unequal so much so that various governments will provide aid on one hand and limits on supply distribution on the other, tilting the playing field against one in favor of another. This moves us away from globalization and towards protectionism. It can’t be helped as long as there are authoritarian countries like China, North Korea, Brazil, Venezuela…socialistic countries which claim egalitarian basis but, in truth, throw imbalances into their economies through confiscatory taxation with entitlements as their fruit for the masses, enabling them to hold political control.
Take a look at online charts that compare governments’ standards of living in terms showing the top 10% and the bottom 10%. When yousee where a country’s top 10% don’t live as well as our bottom 10%, that means something that even a troglodyte can understand. When we examine why this is so, one of the reasons is Capitalism or Socialism.
And remember that imbalances from government interference will show immediately when in a Capitalistic economy. Capitalism is dynamic and Media reports effects of the imbalances, if they are being honest about it.