We can stop the virus by wearing a filter mask and washing our hands and faces as common sense dictates. Instead of quarantines, we COULD have just made it illegal to go out without a mask. I think we all ran right by this for the sake of testing, which won't save a damn soul. Only the sick test, pretty much exclusively. What's the point? Seeking more information for the sake of getting more information is wasting our time. Do a little research, make your family some filter masks.
Follow these steps:
Do necessary shopping early, before the crowds come in.
Make a mask...Wear mask.Safety glasses that seal keep virus from floating into your eyes. Here is just one of many ways to make a mask. You are stopping dust and water droplets that the virus tags along on. This will probably be enough. Double the thickness and feel ever better about it.
Don't touch anything you don't buy.
Keep your hands away from your face.
Wash your hands with soap and water or 70% Alcohol before touching the steering wheel or anything else in the car. Grain alcohol from the liquor store is cheap and 90 % strong. And if you want, you can have a drink. Rubbing alcohol is poisonous.
When you get home wipe down the packages with alcohol.
I put some of them in direct sunlight. I believe the ultraviolet light kills the virus.
Take a bath or shower then, putting your clothes directly into the washer.
That's how to stay healthy right now. If everyone just wore a mask and washed up this virus would be dead and gone in 30 days.
You know...we are smarter than a virus. Republicans are, anyway. Take care of yourself. jimself1954@gmail.com
PS: Get some vodka that has been distilled 5 times and drink some every day. It's only 40%, so you shouldn't use it to wash. It won't help keep the virus away, but being locked in your house all day with your spouse and children, it might keep you sane.