Saturday, July 6, 2019
Morning Coffee with Jim Self: ThiIs Going To Hit Us In A Very Hard Way
Morning Coffee with Jim Self: ThiIs Going To Hit Us In A Very Hard Way: Have you voted to allow 100,000 illegal immigrants into the country every month? Have you volunteered to feed these 100,000 illegal immigr...
This Is Going To Hit Us In A Very Hard Way
Have you voted to allow 100,000 illegal immigrants into the country every month?
Have you volunteered to feed these 100,000 illegal immigrants? 300,000 or 2 million?
Do you think we have jobs for 10 million more illegal immigrants?
Don't you think their presence here will push wages down for those who now clamor for an increase in minimum wage?
Did you know that when an illegal mother has a baby on American soil that baby is an American citizen and the mother is pretty much undeportable at that point? And her spouse. Did you vote for that?
I did not vote to have an open border. I think we should bring it to a vote.
If you are concerned about this, from what I see the best thing we can do is to write to our Representatives in Congress. Emails go there but don't carry the weight of a letter. We are most likely to have a recession soon. If we keep the door open down South could be on the cusp of disaster economically. It's like bailing water from our boat and not knowing how much remains in the bottom or how much is coming in. Eventually the boat will sink. We are going to have to raise taxes to support these people who we did not want to come here. We already spending over a trillion dollars for 2019. That's a thousand billion dollars we are borrowing to pay for spending in excess of revenue. We will have to provide housing, food, cash for consumables, communications, transportation, medical care, education with college. We all better think about this because it is going to hit us and our offspring in a very hard way. Seal the border!
Have you volunteered to feed these 100,000 illegal immigrants? 300,000 or 2 million?
Do you think we have jobs for 10 million more illegal immigrants?
Don't you think their presence here will push wages down for those who now clamor for an increase in minimum wage?
Did you know that when an illegal mother has a baby on American soil that baby is an American citizen and the mother is pretty much undeportable at that point? And her spouse. Did you vote for that?
I did not vote to have an open border. I think we should bring it to a vote.
If you are concerned about this, from what I see the best thing we can do is to write to our Representatives in Congress. Emails go there but don't carry the weight of a letter. We are most likely to have a recession soon. If we keep the door open down South could be on the cusp of disaster economically. It's like bailing water from our boat and not knowing how much remains in the bottom or how much is coming in. Eventually the boat will sink. We are going to have to raise taxes to support these people who we did not want to come here. We already spending over a trillion dollars for 2019. That's a thousand billion dollars we are borrowing to pay for spending in excess of revenue. We will have to provide housing, food, cash for consumables, communications, transportation, medical care, education with college. We all better think about this because it is going to hit us and our offspring in a very hard way. Seal the border!
We Are On The Cusp of Disaster
Back in 1863, as the Civil War progressed, the South needed more and more soldiers. Conscription was the way they obtained them. Can you imagine waking up in your home, not much more than a shack, with your family, terrified as 20 or 30 cavalry types on horseback rode onto your dirt front yard, raising a cloud of dust with the thundering hoof beats...the Regulators have arrived. You meet them at your front door, unarmed, because you knew they were armed and would be threatening you with rifles at the ready. "It's our way or the noose for you!". You're coming with us. Gather your clothes and your gun. Bring your horse if you have one. You are going to war whether you like it or not!
There were two kinds of people with 20 or more slaves, one with less than 20. Those with less than 20 slaves were subject to being drafted into the Southern army. If given a chance to vote on whether to succeed from the union, how do you think I would have voted? Knowing that the weight of the fight would be paid with the lives of men like me...not the plantation owners who benefitted from slavery. I would have been a fool to vote to fight. It would have meant been suicide. My family would be left to make it without me and may very well starve to death. It was an ugly thing. It was the Liberals who were the elite in Government and Business AND the MEDIA who drove their Progressive agenda of harnessing slavery in the new Western states as well as securing slavery in the South for decades to come, and took our Southern boys and men to fight and die in THEIR ungodly war. Elite liberals, with all of the money and power to pass laws that effected everyone, leaving the hard working, common people at the mercy of the Regulators , backed up by the liberal Media...the same as is going on today.
I see what Nancy Pelosi is doing, keeping Trump from sealing the Southern border, refusing the wall, refusing to allow us to stop people who enter and immediately sending them back. It's Pelosi and the Democrats allowing more than 100,000 a month to swarm in each month and this number is growing. The working people, the tax payers who already are going a half trillion dollars in debt each year by our overspending, liberal government each are being told...not asked, but told that we will have to support these working aged, baby making aged, illiterate and unskilled masses of foreign people. We will have to do it. Once they are here the Media will spell out what must be done. We will be forced to pass laws for programs to feed them, clothe them, house them, transport them, supply them with cell phones and cell service, provide them with medical care, secondary and college level education. The Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child tax Credit will bleed our tax revenues as we work and pay more and more of our incomes until our taxes increase 2,3 or 4 fold.
We already have 25 million of them. We will easily have another 25 million in a few years and it could go to as high as 40 or 50 million. Central America has 41 million. Mexico could contribute another 10 million. That doesn't include SOUTH America. Our fence is up in some places but it is DOWN in MOST places. And the Democrats want to allow the masses to come in! It doesn't make sense until you assume the liberals are engaging in a common Utopian dream from their ignorance and desire to control our country even as it falls apart. We are on the cusp of disaster. The only way to bring this under control is to seal the border. The rest must happen, too, but without a sealed border we cannot control what happens within our borders and economy. We can lose this battle. Write letters to bring pressure on the Democrats in the house of Representatives to seal the border. Write them over and over again. By saying nothing we enable those people to follow Nanci Pelosi blindly. It is up to us. We are, once again, facing a disaster. It's 1863 all over again.
There were two kinds of people with 20 or more slaves, one with less than 20. Those with less than 20 slaves were subject to being drafted into the Southern army. If given a chance to vote on whether to succeed from the union, how do you think I would have voted? Knowing that the weight of the fight would be paid with the lives of men like me...not the plantation owners who benefitted from slavery. I would have been a fool to vote to fight. It would have meant been suicide. My family would be left to make it without me and may very well starve to death. It was an ugly thing. It was the Liberals who were the elite in Government and Business AND the MEDIA who drove their Progressive agenda of harnessing slavery in the new Western states as well as securing slavery in the South for decades to come, and took our Southern boys and men to fight and die in THEIR ungodly war. Elite liberals, with all of the money and power to pass laws that effected everyone, leaving the hard working, common people at the mercy of the Regulators , backed up by the liberal Media...the same as is going on today.
I see what Nancy Pelosi is doing, keeping Trump from sealing the Southern border, refusing the wall, refusing to allow us to stop people who enter and immediately sending them back. It's Pelosi and the Democrats allowing more than 100,000 a month to swarm in each month and this number is growing. The working people, the tax payers who already are going a half trillion dollars in debt each year by our overspending, liberal government each are being told...not asked, but told that we will have to support these working aged, baby making aged, illiterate and unskilled masses of foreign people. We will have to do it. Once they are here the Media will spell out what must be done. We will be forced to pass laws for programs to feed them, clothe them, house them, transport them, supply them with cell phones and cell service, provide them with medical care, secondary and college level education. The Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child tax Credit will bleed our tax revenues as we work and pay more and more of our incomes until our taxes increase 2,3 or 4 fold.
We already have 25 million of them. We will easily have another 25 million in a few years and it could go to as high as 40 or 50 million. Central America has 41 million. Mexico could contribute another 10 million. That doesn't include SOUTH America. Our fence is up in some places but it is DOWN in MOST places. And the Democrats want to allow the masses to come in! It doesn't make sense until you assume the liberals are engaging in a common Utopian dream from their ignorance and desire to control our country even as it falls apart. We are on the cusp of disaster. The only way to bring this under control is to seal the border. The rest must happen, too, but without a sealed border we cannot control what happens within our borders and economy. We can lose this battle. Write letters to bring pressure on the Democrats in the house of Representatives to seal the border. Write them over and over again. By saying nothing we enable those people to follow Nanci Pelosi blindly. It is up to us. We are, once again, facing a disaster. It's 1863 all over again.
Friday, July 5, 2019
How Do Socialists Insure Compliance After Taking Over?
Mass murder of those who object. Socialists must take control/possession of the means of production. social rian government takes over.
There is a long human history of this experiment being attempted and failing. It's too bad that so many millennials and virtually zero young people have any idea about how bad it can get. The pictures of the Nazis machine gunning lines of tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children so they will fall into their huge, mass grave means nothing to them. The acres and acres of human bones high in the sunlight in the killing fields of Cambodia means nothing to them. We must find a way to show them, to explain to them, what anarchy in government actually means to their lives of liberty and freedom.
I feel for the situation of Central Americans. I wish we could open the border and being the in so they can thrive as we do. But the sad fact is that there are too many of them. The shear numbers of work aged, children producing aged, unskilled, non-English speaking would overwhelm our ability to take care of our own people. All of the various programs of our social net thatkeeps people from dying by the thousands every day on the street will be overwhelmed and fail. At some point the Government will have to step in to stop them from dying and that will involve changes in everything that makes this country strong. You cannot expect to move 25 million people from one country to another and expect conditions in the receiving country not to degenerate. The balance between the number of jobs and the unemployed will be broken. The US Government will end up feeding and housing them. We will have to provide housing, power, air conditioning and heat, food, water, clothes and consumables, diapers, medicine and health care to them. And the truth is that no country can do that without rationing all of these thing to every body in the country...not just to the illegal immigrants.
Americans have expectations. Once these expectations are broken, blame and action will begin to take effect. That's when the government will step in, confiscate our guns, redistribute our wealth in a way that will more closely support all of our new population, and then be expected to accept more and more illegal immigrants as they flow in.The new people will have a vote for a while, until they lose their vote to an authoritarian leadership who promises to feed their starving children. Then NO ONE will have a vote. The constitution will be suspended..never to return.
This is what it means when we see hundreds of illegal immigrants wash across our open southern border. If allowed to cannot allow this to continue. We have too much to lose.
So please, leave the guns at home. Pick up your pens and write to your congressmen and women, demand that we seal the Southern border and establish a working immigration system. We absolutely must help our Southern neighbors build economies strong enough to support their populations. We must help them fix their problems at home. We must find a way to suspend or control the abuse of the birthright law and asylum laws. We cannot afford to wait any longer. Please write to your congressmen and women today.
There is a long human history of this experiment being attempted and failing. It's too bad that so many millennials and virtually zero young people have any idea about how bad it can get. The pictures of the Nazis machine gunning lines of tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children so they will fall into their huge, mass grave means nothing to them. The acres and acres of human bones high in the sunlight in the killing fields of Cambodia means nothing to them. We must find a way to show them, to explain to them, what anarchy in government actually means to their lives of liberty and freedom.
I feel for the situation of Central Americans. I wish we could open the border and being the in so they can thrive as we do. But the sad fact is that there are too many of them. The shear numbers of work aged, children producing aged, unskilled, non-English speaking would overwhelm our ability to take care of our own people. All of the various programs of our social net thatkeeps people from dying by the thousands every day on the street will be overwhelmed and fail. At some point the Government will have to step in to stop them from dying and that will involve changes in everything that makes this country strong. You cannot expect to move 25 million people from one country to another and expect conditions in the receiving country not to degenerate. The balance between the number of jobs and the unemployed will be broken. The US Government will end up feeding and housing them. We will have to provide housing, power, air conditioning and heat, food, water, clothes and consumables, diapers, medicine and health care to them. And the truth is that no country can do that without rationing all of these thing to every body in the country...not just to the illegal immigrants.
Americans have expectations. Once these expectations are broken, blame and action will begin to take effect. That's when the government will step in, confiscate our guns, redistribute our wealth in a way that will more closely support all of our new population, and then be expected to accept more and more illegal immigrants as they flow in.The new people will have a vote for a while, until they lose their vote to an authoritarian leadership who promises to feed their starving children. Then NO ONE will have a vote. The constitution will be suspended..never to return.
This is what it means when we see hundreds of illegal immigrants wash across our open southern border. If allowed to cannot allow this to continue. We have too much to lose.
So please, leave the guns at home. Pick up your pens and write to your congressmen and women, demand that we seal the Southern border and establish a working immigration system. We absolutely must help our Southern neighbors build economies strong enough to support their populations. We must help them fix their problems at home. We must find a way to suspend or control the abuse of the birthright law and asylum laws. We cannot afford to wait any longer. Please write to your congressmen and women today.
This Disaster for US Is a Democrat Pipedream
As new illegal immigration numbers climb through the millions the states will begin asking for increased federal money, increased taxes from us, to fund welfare entitlements for food, housing, education, power, transportation, medical care and normal consumables. Most will be working age, baby making age, non-English speaking and very limited in skills. As these state welfare budget items multiply in cost the unemployment entitlements, even for those who have never worked here but will be gifted to them by Democrats, will do the same. Earned Income Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits ($2000 per child whether they work or not) will increase, again gifted to them by the Democrats, skyward as demand for our slower growing jobs numbers increases, keeping wages down, and inflation sky rockets for everyday things as these new "Democrat endowed" citizens consume in their new country...again... where most of them can't even speak the language. Democrats will give them the vote state by state. Is there any doubt that all of this will happen? Pelosi's Democrats are wrecking our country, 100,000 illegals at a time, per month. People, we are going to have 2,3,or 4 times the Federal taxes we are paying now in short order. Watch and learn. This is Allinsky's design to overwhelm the Government on the cost side until it fails and then something better will rise from the ashes. The something better will be Communism. Look it up. Most of you have no idea what it is. If we see it coming and do not get involved to stop it...then we deserve what we get.
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