Slavery Reparations: an obvious ploy to attract votes of those who welcome income from any source, no matter if they believe them or not. This is a dividing strategy. Divisiveness in America. Responsible Parties: Shiela Jackson, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders.
Open Borders push to keep the border from being sealed, Nancy Pelosi, they are enabling 100's of thousands of illegal entrants presently. The old story about illegal entrants turning into liberal voters is becoming more and more likely to be real.
According to Madison Summers, Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Julián Castro and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) are among those who don’t think illegal immigration is a problem.This is from Julian Castro: “I would make sure that we maintain border security, and I believe that our border is as secure as it ever has been. I would ensure that we maintain it,” he responded. “But secondly, I would treat people with compassion and common sense, and not with cruelty.” This man clearly does not have he best interests of the USA in mind. 144,000 illegals flowed in in May, 2019. There never was a way to contain all of them. The numbers are too high. That means our system of control is overwhelmed. "Too high" means overwhelmed.
No one asks a Democrat, "How many illegals is too many?" That is because the Democrats don't have a "too high" number. They'd be satisfied if 20 million more came in and we would give them the vote. They would be in charge of our ship as it sinks in entitlements and welfare claims.
Liberals' claims that our tax decrease is very short compared to that of the wealthy falls on ears of those who would use confiscatory taxation to equalize incomes across the board. They don't talk about how this would effect the Stock Market where the profits of investors will be confiscated. The stock market is the goose that lays or golden eggs...meaning jobs and growth, every day. Consider what this country would be without it. Look at Venezuela, a current example of Socialism falling in a rush, unreaplaced by anything else but the suffering. That's where the Democrats want to take us. They are already talking about confiscating our means of production. But...they don't have tp take the actual means, all they have to do is confiscate the profits. Then they can direct what they want to be manufactured by selective taxation or simple government direction.
The only way we can control this is by voting.
Last note: In 1930 the population of America was 123 million. Now it is 318 million with around 25 million illegal immigrants additionally. If the Democrats win in 2020 they say they will be for massive entitlements including "Medicare for all". They will have to get the money from the stock market, which will run off investors and cause it to crash. Pensions will disappear. Car manufacturers will close across the world. Trucks will stop delivering groceries because there won't be any money to finance big farm operations. That's what freezing credit does to this economy. Stores will close as layoffs from small and large businesses accumulate. People will have no money. Banks will fail. Soup kitchens will be overwhelmed. That's 245 million hungry people. Russia will move on Eastern Europe, North Korea and China will move once again to lock up natural and human (slave labor) resources. We'll be fortunate to avoid a nuclear confrontation with them. And we Americans will be eating each other. This is the result of the corruption and fall of responsible, modern journalism. It's what happens when journalists are displaced by editorialists who are bought and paid for by big money.
Clouds may save the planet from dreaded global warming. Climate scientists admit that the role of clouds in this science is uncertain. They reflect heat back into space. That's true. But they also must reflect heat back down to Earth. Oh my! Which is most? Gore has an opinion, I'm certain I know what it is. His opinion is that which will lead to his financial growth, as it is with the UN third world countries and Europe, which has a third world outlook and is becoming more third world every day. What I see is that climate change has always been present. We have recorded this in various ways which produce undeniable evidence that Earth's climate doesn't stay the same. It changes. It gets warmer and it gets cooler...most of the changes in Earth's history have been without the help of human kind. We were not present. Now that humans are present and driving CO2 belching automobiles we are the cause and , of course, this will eventually result in the demise of humanity. And don't forget cow farts...
Open Borders push to keep the border from being sealed, Nancy Pelosi, they are enabling 100's of thousands of illegal entrants presently. The old story about illegal entrants turning into liberal voters is becoming more and more likely to be real.
According to Madison Summers, Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Julián Castro and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) are among those who don’t think illegal immigration is a problem.This is from Julian Castro: “I would make sure that we maintain border security, and I believe that our border is as secure as it ever has been. I would ensure that we maintain it,” he responded. “But secondly, I would treat people with compassion and common sense, and not with cruelty.” This man clearly does not have he best interests of the USA in mind. 144,000 illegals flowed in in May, 2019. There never was a way to contain all of them. The numbers are too high. That means our system of control is overwhelmed. "Too high" means overwhelmed.
No one asks a Democrat, "How many illegals is too many?" That is because the Democrats don't have a "too high" number. They'd be satisfied if 20 million more came in and we would give them the vote. They would be in charge of our ship as it sinks in entitlements and welfare claims.
Liberals' claims that our tax decrease is very short compared to that of the wealthy falls on ears of those who would use confiscatory taxation to equalize incomes across the board. They don't talk about how this would effect the Stock Market where the profits of investors will be confiscated. The stock market is the goose that lays or golden eggs...meaning jobs and growth, every day. Consider what this country would be without it. Look at Venezuela, a current example of Socialism falling in a rush, unreaplaced by anything else but the suffering. That's where the Democrats want to take us. They are already talking about confiscating our means of production. But...they don't have tp take the actual means, all they have to do is confiscate the profits. Then they can direct what they want to be manufactured by selective taxation or simple government direction.
The only way we can control this is by voting.
Last note: In 1930 the population of America was 123 million. Now it is 318 million with around 25 million illegal immigrants additionally. If the Democrats win in 2020 they say they will be for massive entitlements including "Medicare for all". They will have to get the money from the stock market, which will run off investors and cause it to crash. Pensions will disappear. Car manufacturers will close across the world. Trucks will stop delivering groceries because there won't be any money to finance big farm operations. That's what freezing credit does to this economy. Stores will close as layoffs from small and large businesses accumulate. People will have no money. Banks will fail. Soup kitchens will be overwhelmed. That's 245 million hungry people. Russia will move on Eastern Europe, North Korea and China will move once again to lock up natural and human (slave labor) resources. We'll be fortunate to avoid a nuclear confrontation with them. And we Americans will be eating each other. This is the result of the corruption and fall of responsible, modern journalism. It's what happens when journalists are displaced by editorialists who are bought and paid for by big money.
Clouds may save the planet from dreaded global warming. Climate scientists admit that the role of clouds in this science is uncertain. They reflect heat back into space. That's true. But they also must reflect heat back down to Earth. Oh my! Which is most? Gore has an opinion, I'm certain I know what it is. His opinion is that which will lead to his financial growth, as it is with the UN third world countries and Europe, which has a third world outlook and is becoming more third world every day. What I see is that climate change has always been present. We have recorded this in various ways which produce undeniable evidence that Earth's climate doesn't stay the same. It changes. It gets warmer and it gets cooler...most of the changes in Earth's history have been without the help of human kind. We were not present. Now that humans are present and driving CO2 belching automobiles we are the cause and , of course, this will eventually result in the demise of humanity. And don't forget cow farts...