Thursday, January 3, 2019

It's My Opinion...fresh from Summerville, SC

In answer to a comment to an opponent of San Diego's efforts to house illegal migrant influx:
San Diego Union-Tribune
Oh, come on. If San Diego is willing to keep them, what's the problem? If Democrats have their way, this immigration influx will continue forever...or at least until they...and I mean Californians...really feel the pain. Their politicians have sold out to businesses who need lots of cheap, unskilled labor. Until regular Californians "get it" as far as tax payer support goes... the expense/cost of supporting will continue. So...Cheers!

I will say this, though. I will not support any Federal money to go to supporting California's efforts to support them and I think most of America feels that way. The $5 billion for the wall amounts to $15.62 for each of 320 million people in this country. Ten times that is pocket change for us compared to what we spend on drug law enforcement, Medicaid, public schooling, rent and welfare cash and SNAP for them. Pelosi's pants are down. She works at the pleasure of businesses who must have cheap, unskilled labor.
 What do you think about that? Please comment.
I guess one way to look at it is that when activists are the minority it's all about the minorities. But when activists are the majority there are no minorities. The same for Muslims. Especially Muslims. The same for liberals, Democrats, etc....

I don't see Democrats stoning women to death in the streets of Washington, DC. ...but if we did do that it would be the Democrats doing it. They ARE the violent side of the extremists. An excellent example is Maxine Waters. She openly condones violence.

Remember $15.62. That's what 5 billion dollars divided by 320 million comes to...Price of the wall /USA population. We are shut down for $15.62 apiece.
$15.62 What do you think about this? Please comment.

Activists don't know how to be successful. They just know how to be the underdog...the minority. They are fired once they become successful. No one wants an employee that can only bitch.

Immigration was once the lifeblood of this nation. That was before our population grew bringing along with it the number of citizens who required welfare/entitlement support. Health care is a burden that we didn't address then. Now things are different and it has become an entirely new entitlement. We have to have it. Now the combined burdens are becoming unsustainable, yet the Democrats ignore this and want to keep the border open and the people coming across for political reasons...Democrat votes and cheap labor.  They want to keep the unmanaging immigration system in place which is not working.  This is a weakness of our country... to be willing to sacrifice our national economy for the sake of immigrant votes and cheap, undocumented immigrant labor... and it could lead to our failure. Nancy Pelosi is the powerful voice of this poisonous liberalism, coming from California which is heavily dependent on this cheap labor. They are that way because of the politicians indebted to cheap labor /big business. California media and politics sell immigrants rights and needs as a statewide agenda for them. But her agenda is NOT the agenda of hard working Americans in "Flyover Country" who know what debt spending does to their own budgets and the budgets of the country. The internet powers and main stream media are pushing her agenda as if it were. That is the situation. Don't listen to her. Her state is going down the toilet financially because of this. Our nation can not afford to follow California down the toilet. We can still lose everything we have built.

Please comment. I am interested in hearing your ideas.