Monday, September 10, 2018

Thoughts From a Sane Republican

Cherry picking minorities, overstating/inventing their issues, and crucifying America for not sacrificing our wealth, our safety and in many cases our morals to satisfy their needs and demands. The Democrat Party. The Party of Lies, Lunacy, Libel and Violence.
Barack (name changed) Obama is back online and beating that drum again. Online I mean... playing to his bone headed supporters. Abortion worshiping type people. Open border type people. Socialism worship, "let's all be hungry and miserable together" type people. It's all you can eat! We can have dinner together at the dump. That's a socialist. Barack, (name changed) Obama, Hillary, Nancy, Maxine Waters. Elizabeth "Impeachment is my Dream" Warren, don't forget her. Impeach Elizabeth Warren! That's what I say. Is being stupid an impeachable offense. No, I guess not. There has got to be something we can impeach her for.

How did Hillary attract so much money? I think foreign countries like Russia (1/2 million bucks for a speech) and wealthy corporations saw her and Bill as "Easy to manipulate" so when they needed help they would be most likely to be helpful. Clinton's are special interest characters. For them it's all about the money. The pay for play was the message, "We can be bought". Couldn't have been anything else. America was played by them, for the money payed for access. Access means "favors and protection". Let's please stop being fools about the Clintons. They are trash. They are here to sell their government power for millions of dollars.

As long as retired government employees have significant security clearances they are worth a lot of money to foreign governments and corporations. Is that difficult for anyone to understand? I hope not. I think it's a bad idea, in most cases, to allow these people to be privy to what our government is "thinking" about. Don't you? I think Trump needs to go ahead and clear the deck as far as this is concerned. The FBI was poisoned at the top. Don't worry about this. Let the Media and the Elizabeth "The world will come to an end" Warren birds howl. He cannot be impeached...Elizabeth Warren's dream...for closing down the proven avenue of leaks and huge source of information for liberal attacks as well as organizing the anti-Trump (America's choice) resistance. Look up Sedition.

Roe vs. Wade Abortion. Always the trigger for activists to terrify women with. They need an issue. Women and men who aren't able to understand how to use a condom and have safe sex are their puppets...their target market. And they blow it out of proportion using the Media. The Media needs the money, too. And this is how they make money.
News Flash...Trump is not going to try to overturn Roe vs. Wade. It's a lie. It's been a law for too long. It cannot be undone without tearing this country apart and he will not try it. It's not worth it. What I would like to see is for the taxpayer not to be paying for abortion used as birth control. I wouldn't mind Uncle Sam sending out coupons for free condoms. Free birth control pills are OK, too. But not tax payer funded abortions as birth control. There is something about chopping up a baby in utero that we should not be asked to pay for. And women who think free abortions should be a woman's right should have their heads examined. It's their mistake. They should pay for it. It's a complex issue. But there is room for compromise on both sides. We must try to see each other's arguments cordially, intelligently. This "Lies, Lunacy, Libel and Violence" reaction train of the Democratic Party on this issue destroys any chance for a discussion. It's a bunch of bullshit driven by people like Elizabeth "I want to be President" Warren and her abortion activists who rely on their paychecks to feed their families no matter how much blood is spilled in their protests...and I think America is tired of it.

Obama (name changed) said the biggest threat to America is apathy and he is absolutely right. Voter apathy was how he got himself elected in the first place and the absence of voter apathy is how we got our man, President Trump, elected in the last place. This country is not going to make a great Democrat "Blue Dumbass Wave turn around" to fall off the cliff of stupidity and paid activism. We are going forward. Let's get the vote out across the land. We got this train rolling. We still have a swamp to drain. We have the Congress. We need to keep the House and we need a few more Senators! Now lets keep it rolling! We must tell the Media to get the hell out of the way, build the wall, cut government spending and do a law that will take the budget toward balance.

President Trump is the man we need in the White House. He will speak softly and carry a big stick. Russia, North Korea, China...they all must know who they are dealing with. Obama and Hillary were showing weakness and things weren't going well. They couldn't cover it all up with their versions of the truth. It was getting dangerous. Now things are coming back to us. There will be no war. No one will benefit by landing the world back in the stone age. For those who don't know we have quite a few huge Ohio class submarines with plenty of targetable nukes that are on station all the time protecting us. You can rest assured there will be no war.

Instead of showing the world how crazy we are we must show them how to build toward the future. That is not what the Democrat lunatics and the greedy, totally unaccountable Media have been showing them. That is what we, American Conservatives, must show them.

America needs to talk and we need to do it without screaming at each other. Thanks but don't email me. If you agree with me here then send this out to your contacts. Or write something yourself. You are smart people. I love you! I would probably not be alive if not for my friends. I always love to hear from you. Thank you.

Jim Self
116 Long Bow Rd.
Summerville, SC 29485

How did Hillary attract so much money? I think foreign countries and Corporations saw her and Bill as "Easy to manipulate" so when they needed help they would be most likely to be helpful. Clinton's are special interest characters. For them it's all about the money.
Jim SelfHow did Hillary attract so much money? I think foreign countries and Corporations saw her and Bill as "Easy to manipulate" so when they needed help they would be most likely to be helpful. Clinton's are special interest characters. For them it's all about the money.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Morning Coffee with Jim Self: Democrats: Do they know what they are doing?

Morning Coffee with Jim Self: Democrats: Do they know what they are doing?:    Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago, has an absolutely horrific problem with shootings, gangs, drugs. It has been the case since he came ...

Democrats: Do they know what they are doing?

   Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago, has an absolutely horrific problem with shootings, gangs, drugs. It has been the case since he came to office. What is he doing about it? It doesn't look like he knows what to do about it. Over 1000 people died from shootings in Chicago between  Memorial Day and Labor Day, 2018. It's easy to get elected making promises, but after a few years of failure to produce what you have promised, the time comes for a change. People know that and vote that way; they vote for their own security and their own pocketbooks. Watch what happens in Chicago.
   Senator Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Durden and the rest of the Democratic leadership are spinning out of office soon because they are completely tied down to the specific interests of their special interest groups. They are so constrained they cannot form a national platform to unite behind, so they stand for obstructing the conservative agenda, instead. Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez efforts to push Socialism are a weak tea replacement for what the Democrats have failed to produce. So they don't know what they are doing. Destruction is coming like a train at midnight and they cannot see the lights.
   Obama's 10 trillion dollar 8 year experiment was another example of how the Democrats couldn't figure out how to fix the economy. Remember "shovel ready jobs" that never materialized? Remember the thousands of pages of regulations he concocted for his "tribes"? Obama didn't know what he was doing. Wanted to be a king. Had no idea. But he was black and could talk a good game so the media left him alone as he "pivoted" from one special interest darling cause to he next, keeping everyone off balance while he did his thing.
   Obama's time was also a good example of how foreign policy wins do not come from throwing bags of money at the players. Hillary Clinton didn't know how to deal with the Russians, Afghanistan,  NK or China. Neither did John Kerry. Clinton was busy soliciting bribes for her Presidential run and John Kerry, booming arrogantly while sliding bags of money to players, was seen for what he was...a blow hard political neophyte, know nothing, opportunist standard Democrat. None of them knew how to do their jobs.
    Meanwhile our national debt rose ten trillion dollars. Trump's first year will bring another 700 billion dollars of debt and the Media and democrats will scream bloody murder about the mounting debt, but he is following the only sensible way out of the hole, by growing the economy Reagan style.
   So here we are at mid terms. Instead of producing some answers to our many problems the Democrats are engaging in very short sighted wishful thinking, beating the drum for a "Blue Wave".  Mueller will be finished before long, we Republicans will retain the house and gain more seats in the Senate. Why? Because America is tired of being governed by Democrats who do not know what they are doing.We know that if we keep our shoulders to the grindstones that the economy will continue to improve.  We know that one way or another we must staunch the flow of illegal aliens across our southern border with demands for entitlements. Republicans are not fools. Republicans can see the debt problem that welfare entitlements bring to California, can see the drop in the standard of living in the cities as a result of their sanctuary policies.  We don't want that happening in our cities. We don't want that happening in our schools.
   The USA has set examples for our neighbors in the south to follow in order to achieve wealth and security. That's what we did for them. They need to follow those examples. We cannot afford to absorb their citizens into our country. They need to fix their problems at home. Now THAT is knowing what you are doing!