Saturday, May 27, 2017

Let's Pass It So We Can See What Is In It!

  Sometimes I am not completely clear on recent current news but my memory serves to ask... Haven't they been talking about not allowing laptops on airplanes for a month or so now? And weren't they saying it was because laptops and computers can be used to disguise bombs?  Well, isn't that what Trump was talking about? And isn't that the classified information Trump "gave" to the Russians?
  This is when I take a deep, slow breath and try to relax. We talk about the Democrats maybe saying something dumb as if it is a surprise?  Democrats have been waving their "We are stupid Idiots" flag in our faces since Obama won his first term. He "pivoted" from one controversial issue to another...keeping the country in constant uproar, bringing out the worst in our blessed conservatives who brought out the Tea Party. He constantly stirred the pot. His own people said as much...some complaining he did it on purpose and it had no good, useful ending. But I digress. Just do not ever forget the famous phrase by a true example of insatiable special interest appetite for idiocy representative, Nanny Nancy Pelosi... "Let's pass it so we can see what is in it!"
   I think we ought to write a bill called , "God Bless America Bill" or something, that allows class action lawsuits against politicians for being stupid. We can use long words so Democrats can't understand it... and then pass it so we can all "see what is in it". Alas, it would definitely be a Freedom of Speech issue. We CAN, however, criticize Democrats for abusing their liberal right... Freedom to be Stupid, or Freedom To Cater To Special Interest Groups who's interests will definitely lead to the loss of liberty and and destruction of our jobs-rich economy. You ask, jobs-rich? Compared to the rest of the world we are doing pretty good. And, if you don't like it here, be smart and go somewhere else.
Jim Self

Friday, May 26, 2017

What This Is All About?

   Politicians offer to support special interests and their supporters for their votes and contributions in order to be re-elected.
   Hedge funds and Banks must have volatility to make huge profits from speculation in the stock market. Volatility in the stock market is derived from fear and uncertainty. That's why they financed Hillary Clinton. She is the definition of fear and uncertainty. 
   Hedge funds, Banks and big investors influence Big Media to stir fear and controversy which creates volatility. Remember, Hedge funds and banks OWN big media. Big investors  finance controversial activists and special interest groups, stirring fear and volatility. Politicians benefit in terms of votes and contributions from special interest supporters and investors and hedge funds and banks.
   That's why Big Media is slanted to controversy. That's how politicians who stand for policies that will logically lead to the downfall of this country stay in power, like Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. That's how hedge funds and banks make insane profits consistently. That's where the money and support comes from for never ending LGBT protests,  Idiots for Opening Borders,  Nuts for an Islamic America, Let's Go Bankrupt for Free Health Care, and anti-gun laws for law abiding Americans bent on self name some. 
   Attempts to fix this may be made by our  political system, but I am doubtful of success.  One thing I can think of that will help and may bring success is to be true to our conservative roots and vote like a conservative. We have 63 million Trump conservatives. That's 48%. Lets take it 51%.  Another thong is not to be sucked in to controversy. It will continue to come like machine gun fire from the Big Media...but if you know their agenda for spreading fear and uncertainty, you CAN calmly ignore all of the lies and fake news. We must talk about it, write about it, mail  letters to our relatives about how important our votes are. We don't have to get in a hurry or write checks. But we must get it done one email, one letter, one phone call at a time.  We have until 2020 to keep this movement going forward. The circle of corruption is the enemy of liberty and they are not going away. Their goal is to make money and stay in power...but they act like they support some kind of unidentified utopia that they WANT to exist...that will save everyone from personal failure. It is not possible, of course, but as crazy as it is, they could succeed.   
    I love my country. I love the USA. I support Donald Trump absolutely. 
James L. Self 
Twitter @SelfJim