Saturday, April 29, 2017

Beware Liberals Accusing Conservatives of being "Inferior Species"

   In an editorial today Joe Darby said that "Good people could only justify owning other people by labeling those who were owned as an inferior species." *
   He's right. Absolutely. He referred to white's owning black African people as slaves. I am talking about collectivist/liberal/progressive/communist/socialist government owning us. They all  mean the same thing.
   Beyond the topic and back to the means, though, it struck resonant to me that this is something of what we are doing here in America right now. Liberals protesters are single issue protesters. They are emotional/angry and focused on one thing with total disregard for the stability of the health of the nation. Some are paid by wealthy activists.  They do not know how their numbers can and may lead to collapse of our country... moving the country into a socialist economy and government where "we the people" meaning the liberals...meaning the "confiscationists" ...take the assets of the wealthy and redistribute it to those with needs. They won't have to have the police show up to take everything, though. It will all be done through income and asset taxation.  Investors will stop investing because if it isn't profitable, it isn't going to happen. The stock market will crash. The government will enact emergency measures, suspending the constitution. We'll have soldiers on street corners, shortages in everything.  The poor will have to accept a check which will be a very low wage for their work. Yes, they will have to work. No one will get a free ride. If they won't work, they will starve. The government will become a huge business enterprise with special interests running everything because they will own everything, like East Germany before reunification, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba. They are all a little bit different but they all have it in common that a person stops being an individual and becomes an Government asset.
   We had better keep in mind that all it takes is a small group of "intellectuals" with financial support to ignite all of the single issue screamers into one party to take over, promising everything. Read the statistics on the high number of millennials living in their parent's homes, high percentages not working, requiring welfare and health care support, voting Democrat to get what they want. You read that and you will understand how Hillary came so close to winning.
   Enough. My point is that there has always been and will forever be a tug of war between clearly defined  Individual Rights under the Law,  Private Ownership of the Means of Production and Property, all Protected by an  Immutable Constitution...and Government Ownership of the Means of Production, No Written Constitution to Protect Individual Rights. What this means is the Government will be able to pick anyone up, torture, maim, kill them and to object will be drawing the same treatment to yourself. It's the difference between being ruled by a Constitution or a sociopath with a machine gun like Adolf Hitler. And our Adolf Hitler will not give a damn about their pie in the sky liberal causes. There will be shortages of everything. Life will be work and sleep and listening to propaganda about how great the revolutionary life is...which will be crap, but you will be horrified at how much of it is believed by your children.  The birth rate and population will be decimated. We will live in this miserable world in much smaller numbers until we get our shit together and overthrow that government.
    The next time you see liberals saying that conservatives are an "inferior species", to borrow Joe Darby's phrase, remember they may not believe it, they may not admit it, they probably haven't thought it through, but by convincing a majority of voters to vote Democrat they are trying to set us up to make slaves out of all of us.
* Quote from Heritage Is Not a Defense of Slavery, by Joe Darby, Published in the Post and Courier editorial page, 4/29/2017.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Why Do Our Children Fail To Launch?

   When we cater to children, showering them with gifts for their "love", we teach them to expect what they want to be given to them with no quid pro quo. If a spoiled child desires a bicycle and parents require him to do something to get it, like pick up his dirty clothes from the floor and maybe clean his bathroom thoroughly, and/or required to cut the grass without payment three or four times, he will may balk because he has always been supplied with  things without having to do anything for quid pro quo. This child will resent having to study. He may resent having to work for income. He may resent having to deal with a used car instead of a new car. He may seek to have a new home as a first home and may try to purchase a house which he has no chance of affording.
   He may be very ready to make compromises that will slow his progress toward whatever his ideal goals are in life because he cannot see himself working and achieving those goals. He never had to work to achieve anything before. He will see himself falling behind others and he may not have a clue as to why. Not actually being able to justify blaming others for his shortcomings he may just resign himself to blaming fate, which is just blaming others for your own shortcomings.
   So the message here is to be careful with your most precious accomplishments...your children. You are doing your child a favor when you attach a quid pro quo. If they cannot find initiative in themselves to strive for success, to work for their future, their future may be your couch, your breakfast table, your third room and your  computer. It's called failing to launch and it's not rocket science.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Saving the U.S., one word at a time.

   So, Democrats have moved way out to the left where their only supporters dwell. They are fighting for birth control by abortion while Tea Party right wingers sometimes manage to pass legislation to limit them... which will probably all be declared unconstitutional, and preserving a broken healthcare system while praying the US Taxpayer will end up paying for their healthcare. Meanwhile, Republicans constantly face vicious verbal attacks by the extreme right wing tea party calling them RINOS and the left wing big media teams up with Left wing extremists' one sided, and often false narratives to create, magnify and sustain the left's virtue.
   The way I see it, there is nothing virtuous about abortion or leading this country down the path to Socialism/Communism  like East Germany before the wall came down. I should not have to pay for Democrats health care. We are borrowing to stay afloat and that means we are broke.
    I have a feeling that if it were not for the internet, the ends would fold up, big media would have to resume it's truly balanced coverage of real issues for truly balanced people and the moderates could resume bipartisan governing. But the internet is here to stay.
   We've got to figure out a way to govern. The Republican Party is the only party interested in doing the work of the government. The Tea Party hurts everyone when they attack and beat the hell out of  moderate Republicans. They try to destroy the only part of the government that is working. It won't do any good to tell them to stop.  Ignoring them may be the only way to move forward.
    It seems that until we get a bipartisan group thinking and discussing the problem like MATURE ADULTS, we will not start fixing this Government and this country.

Friday, April 14, 2017

America Must Turn Off of The Road to Destruction. Start By Boosting Conservative Voting. If We Don't Try, We Have Ourselves To Blame.

    Somehow, we in America, have found ourselves battling with three groups...special interest activists, corrupted big media, and Socialist politicians who owe their jobs to those who want to live their lives in ways that are contrary to those values consistent with liberty for all. I will call them the evil three.
   Some examples follow:
   Women fighting for the right to dismember babies in the womb as if it were no more significant than peeling a potato; massive welfare and tax credit entitlements for those unwilling to support themselves;  single payer system to pay for health insurance...meaning U.S. Taxpayer; fighting any efforts to stem the inflow and use of illegal drugs fueling gang war activity and deaths of probably millions each year; expanding borrowing by students for needless college degrees saddling them with $25000 to $100000 in debt that has not been other words...sub-prime. We are seeing a softening of desire to enforce the law for leftist politicians. The smoke of corruption is heavy, but with no trial there is no evidence to ponder. Such was the case with Hillary Clinton's selling of American power as Secretary of State under the previous administration. As long as the charges remain a matter of media speculation the bad actors will be protected and enabled.
   These are just a few causes within the left agenda. In a sense what we are seeing is the leftist, unproductive but needing crowd being organized by activists with money and the agenda of acquiring power and control. The productive crowd is NOT being organized. The productive crowd is comfortable, busy, and aware of their own ability to support themselves. If the left continues to organize their special interest groups with no likewise organization of conservatives the end result may be the end of what we know as America.
    Most people don't know what socialism is, but it makes them feel good. No hunger, free education, free childcare, rents paid, Government checks and tax credits galore. Socialism is East Germany. Socialism is Communism. Socialism is collectivism. Venezuela protesting, getting shot by police,  attacked by tear gas as a result of their Socialist government right     It is a process and it is predictable. Things we are seeing now: All conservative politicians are being character assassinated by the evil three: special interest activists, big media, and leftist/Democrat politicians who owe their jobs to socialist activists. These three scratch each others' backs.
   This is what has been happening and will continue to happen:  Debt spending skyrockets. (Obama) Gov. borrowing continually and gradually sets off inflation.  (Anyone with a debit card knows that we have had a slow inflation for years but they don't talk about it. )  Confronted by the violent attacks of leftist propaganda machine, by the evil three, conservative voters feel helpless and afraid to try to stop the spending and changes.
   The truth is that the vast majority of people in this country are conservatives. We believe in being independent, we satisfy our own needs through a good work ethic and healthy decisions, we respect and worship God in our own ways, and we respect strength and charity. We do the best we can. And we expect others to do the same.  We all would like to live in a place where we don't lock our doors at night. Many do.
   If you look out over the heads of the the American people you will see many of them standing on tip toes looking at each other, shouting. Those are the Democrats. The vast majority will be quietly looking down at the ground. They are paying attention to their own condition, their own plans, and their next steps toward improving their own lives. These are your conservatives.
   Most conservatives don't vote now.  Many more may stop. Anyone they send to Washington will be character-assassinated by the evil three as  racist, sexist, closed minded, uncooperative people who refuse to work together and compromise...while they are the ones absolutely refusing to compromise on anything. (Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer)
   And so it continues:   Voters elect a conservative government in reaction to the mistakes by the previous administration and the damage it has done to the country. But they are only strong as long as their courage and energy to fight lasts. Big Media pounds away every day on the present administration with Intelligently Contrived Propaganda...ICP...while special interest activists and other politicians constantly character-assassinate all conservative comers until they are burnt out and afraid to do anything. Eventually, the economy will spiral down due to bad sub-prime loans to students and possibly sub-prime mortgage loans again. Recession will be much worse this time because of the debt service. Statistics say that 1 in 5 households have no one working. That's a really bad thing. It describes how the weakness in our economy that;s been balanced with  Taxes on the wealthy will inevitably come to confiscatory rates...because that is what all of this is about...the politics of envy...the fuel of Socialism. The Government will need the money and it will take it from the only people who have it...the wealthy. At some point, credit, upon which most companies rely to survive to some degree, will dry up because investors will not invest if their profits are confiscated. When that happens you will see businesses closing up and shrinking everywhere...and unemployment will skyrocket further. Tax revenues will fall, welfare spending will accelerate and the government will have to basically print money to keep the checks going out to teachers, policemen, paramedics, sanitation workers and welfare recipients whose number will skyrocket as unemployment increases. But this printing of money  cannot go on forever. Inflation will grow quickly then, and bread may rise to $20 a loaf. Imagine that. Welfare income will become entirely insufficient at those prices. People will get hungry. There are 318 million people living in this country. Hungry people will riot. The government will have no choice but to declare martial law. And that will be that.
   Many say, "Oh Jim...Oh, Dad...that's not going to happen." But I see it coming. The ingredients are here. That is where we are headed. Conservatives can see this happening and want to stop it, but feel helpless as we get shouted down and character-assassinated.
   We must not lay down and be quiet. We must fight for Liberty for our children and our grandchildren. I don't know how I can help the cause by getting more conservative voters to the polls but we must figure this out and get it done. When we let 26% of eligible voters almost send a sorry excuse for responsible politician like Hillary Clinton to the White House?  If not for the electoral college it may have happened. It was too close. By the way, I am all for having a woman as President, but after Benghazi, after Pay To Play, not her!
   We see Donald Trump's mistakes. What we don't see are the mistakes made by experienced politicians who are used to hiding them...making back door agreements with special interest groups that leave this country a bill to pay, abusing power in private.   If we only knew, it would make President Trump look like an absolute saint. We have made the first step and we were lucky. Let's not leave the next step to luck. Let's get behind our President to enact his agenda. Lets pound away on the Republican woosies who are afraid to act. We must have the courage to do the right thing for our country. I will make my mind up on one issue at a time and NOT give a damn about what big media has to say about it. You have to read it or turn on the news to be aware of their propaganda. I will instead choose what I feel is right for the country. I will rely on common sense.  I hope you do, too.  We must take control of our destiny before it is snatched from us.  Remember, Liberty and the United States of America mean the same damn thing. We lose one, we lose the other.
   If you agree, please spread this around. You DO have some power, but you have to believe and have the courage to stand for something. If we don't try, we have ourselves to blame.