USA jihadi training dumps are in the news....jihadi clerics...what are they doing? One thing they are doing is making money. I guarantee it. To send to their war making bro's overseas? What do I think? Most or all of that money is going into their own bank accounts, financing as rich a life style as they can, in their closed cell societies where slavery of their women is institutionalized with traditions that are centuries old and written in Sharia stone and protected by the threat of a horribly violent death. This Sharia thing should have been canned a long time ago but it wasn't because it's a damned good living.
And every time we have a shooting....a "Lone Wolf"...or better...a "Shithouse Rat", who attacks a soft target and murders unprepared people in gun free zones, the whole jihadi cleric/army thing comes crashing into our living rooms, compliments of sensationalism seeking/click generating "journalism".
Listen. Don't be fooled. Don't be scared. We are in no more danger now than we were 30 years ago. Just get your concealed weapons permit and carry a gun. Train to use a perfect shot. Then, the unlikely time a killer approaches you in a Wal Mart parking lot, you will have the street smarts to see him coming and the ability to blow his brain out all over the pavement...where it belongs.
And every time we have a shooting....a "Lone Wolf"...or better...a "Shithouse Rat", who attacks a soft target and murders unprepared people in gun free zones, the whole jihadi cleric/army thing comes crashing into our living rooms, compliments of sensationalism seeking/click generating "journalism".
Listen. Don't be fooled. Don't be scared. We are in no more danger now than we were 30 years ago. Just get your concealed weapons permit and carry a gun. Train to use a perfect shot. Then, the unlikely time a killer approaches you in a Wal Mart parking lot, you will have the street smarts to see him coming and the ability to blow his brain out all over the pavement...where it belongs.