Thursday, November 10, 2016

Seal the Southern Border, Save Chicago Children

   Illegal drugs are coming across the Southern border every day. The border is porous. Agents say that they stop a percentage of it but no one can know how much gets across and many think that most gets across.
   Drug cartels have set up in border states to receive the drugs and distribute them. That means moving the drugs to the large large Chicago...the murder capital of America. 
   Gangs are organized crime with a twist. Instead of older criminals they consist of disaffected kids sell these illegal drugs and each other for sex.  Whoever gets in their way gets shot. 
   Would anyone disagree with the logic here?
    If you will bother to Google Chicago shooting deaths you will see the numbers.  It's not the guns. It's the drugs. Drugs from our porous southern border. 
    We need to seal that border with adequate people, resources and an impenetrable barrier. Until we do that, we cannot hope for change of the deplorable conditions our neighbors in Chicago and elsewhere live and die in every day.
     Donald Trump knows this and that is one reason why sealing the border is so important. we have seen the half measures the previous administration have used in border security. Folks, it's more than illegals coming across to work and send money home...or to make an anchor baby. People are killed every day in Chicago and other cities because of what is going on with this border. We need to fix it. Please support Donald Trump and our government representatives who will face the mountain of liberal objections over this issue.