Sunday, July 31, 2016

Liberals Are Victims of White Christian Men

White, Christian men are the only population that have all of the working for a living, controlling everything. Of course, white Christian women work just as hard as men. And Black people work hard, too. But they are less targeted as causing the problems of the world. It's the white Christian men who really need to go. We need to just go die, and let the liberals form their Utopia. Blacks, white women, Native Americans, movie stars, LGBTQ... can all live in peaceful coexistence, happy that us white Christian men are all dead and gone forever.  It will be a big party. Right up until one group takes control. Then enslavement. After all. SOMEBODY has to work. Liberals are shallow and can't think that far ahead. So, to hell with the debt, says Hillary. We will make heaven on earth and tax the stock market and everyone else into oblivion. As long as the single issue voters are blind to what is happening, we will be fine. And with the media basically blind to anything except huge profits...powered by "clicks from controversy", everything will be rosy. Once the "Working Class" realizes that they all are making the same money no matter how hard they work, of course, they will need more incentives, like whips, threats of starvation...just take away their ration cards for a week or so...they will be easily managed. Everything will be great in Utopia. Ya know,  Liberals wouldn't have to do this at all if it weren't for white Christian men.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hillary Is Trying To Fool Her Way To The Presidency

   Schultz was fired. Hillary feels free to hire her right away. Intelligent politicians worry about perceptions. Hillary thrives on controversial activity...and conservative reactions to them. Hillary is playing a game that she thinks she can win because of all of the accolades her "fans" are throwing her way. She is drunk with celebrity. The more we criticize her for her controversial actions, the louder her fans get reacting defensively in her behalf. She thinks that is a good thing...and we think she has a hell of a following. And we are both wrong. The noise is amplified by the media which is profiting off of every byte. Protesters are paid, DNC did have paid people to fill chairs, more than likely. Her celebrity is largely a sham, consisting of bands of single issue young people, some of which are old enough to vote. And the more noise we hear the more overwhelmed we feel about her popularity...and her election seems more probable. We are being fooled. Of course, the more Trump reacts to liberal/media attacks, the sillier ALL of the liberal mouthpieces make him look, creating the illusion that he is a buffoon, un-electable and making us feel helpless. Hillary counts on that every minute of every day. 
   The bottom line will come when voters from South Carolina, Florida, Idaho, Montana, Texas, and yes, Ohio, Pennsylvania...when the big states other than New York and California...when we get our parents and grandparents into the cars and we all go down to the polls and defeat her in an historic landslide.  
   I don't have to beat her up. She does that to herself everyday. But let me remind everyone that  a non vote is a vote for Hillary, a weak manipulator of fools in the company of a click hungry Media that yearns for click baiting controversy and huge profits.  Copy and paste this editorial or write your own. Get words like these out there so people can read them. Talk to your relatives. Inform them about what is happening and why it is so important to hold to the line and vote in November for Donald Trump. Don't be afraid of him. The media is calling him a neo-fascist because he wants a better deal for example of Media distortion about the conservative candidate...painting him as if he was Mussolini. I implore you to listen to what he actually says and judge for yourself. Don't take the Media propaganda as truth. Remember, we are 20 trillion dollars in debt and we CAN go broke. The breadlines of the 1930's can return. The prosperous futures of your grandchildren are evaporating and you cannot see it. 

Rules for Radicals and What It Means To You

  Saul Allinsky's Rules For Radicals is a handbook about how to circumvent established traditions, gaining power, and undermining the capitalistic economy of the United States of America. His goals were to mire the country in debt, frame the intelligent government leaders and political parties in anything they could to make them look dishonest, stupid, greedy, immoral...whatever they could do to discredit significant leadership and institutions in this country. The ultimate goal was to bring the economy down, causing complete collapse. And the crowning achievement would be what arose from the egalitarian, collectivist heaven on earth. Utopia. If you don't believe it read the damn book.
   Hillary Clinton cannot hide the fact that she was a follower and admirer of Allinksy. Obama taught this stuff in Chicago.  I really don't see Hillary carrying a gun into Congress and having her way...but what I think she sees is the opportunity to break any rule, tell any lie, destroy any person in order to advance her political agenda. That comes right out of the book.
   Her agenda? God only knows. One thing she manages to do is attract large sums of money from political sources. That is SELLING ACCESS, clean and simple. It is greed and selfishness.
   She is using womens' rights as a platform and she has a great following, but where these are important issues of the day, here are HUGE issues of the day about which she has shown NO COMPETENCE. ZERO! Hell, she is lucky she is not in jail. She may yet end up there. One can only pray.
   I saw a video today...of a man holding an apparently happy dog...standing on the third or fourth or fifth story of a dwelling...and he dropped this happy dog off of this god damn building. Followed the dog all the way down. The dog hit, hard, and was screaming as the video ended.
   My point of this is to say that THAT is exactly what our liberal leadership  is and has been doing to our grandchildren. For every trillion dollars in debt they add you can take some number of our grandchildren off line. Drop them off the top of a building. Deny to them the opportunities that we have had. Take away their ability to "Be whatever they want to be". To own a home. To get a good, useful education. To have all of the kids they can support. To travel, see other places, meet other people in other countries. And in many cases, they will starve to death.  Because, at some point, this debt will cause our economy to crash, just exactly like it would in your own household if you borrowed money every month to pay for normal bills. In the long run there is no difference. It is a natural law and it is written in stone. Imagine what would happen if Social Security checks were cut in half and in many cases denied completely. If SNAP went away because the US had to use those funds to pay the interest and principle payments on our back breaking debt. If we had to cut back our armed forces... and liberal governments like Russia went back in to the Baltics, Germany, Poland and China into South East Asia and Eastern Europe, enslaving those people.
  That's what this is all about, you know. ISIS is all about life and death control of females, primarily, and money, secondly. The importance of the US military is to maintain a force that is strong enough to prevent liberal governments from attacking other realms, enslaving their populations and consuming their natural resources.  Most of the man made changes in this world were built by slaves. Right up until about 1865 in this country. That hasn't been so long ago.  Slaves are a natural resource just like oil. That's something to study, if you haven't already. We had better study it, or else we may find ourselves in this world with Russia and China and no one else to deal with. Our strength is what keeps the wolves at bay. As we add debt we become weaker and weaker and finally so weak that we don't matter anymore. That has ALWAYS been the situation. When they are ready, they will come and enslave us.
   I have been full of adrenaline ever since I saw that video.  Please don't go looking for it. It's like looking into hell...and then falling in. The man makes money every time the video is watched, I would wager, Just take my word for it. And I hope that person takes it off your site.

   Hillary Clinton AND Barack Obama hate each other. But they are acting like lovers because it suits their political intentions. If you put two rats in a box, sooner or later one will eat the other one. That is what will happen when Hillary realizes that she will lose unless she repudiates Obama and his quack leadership. In the meantime remember that if you do not vote for Donald Trump, your's will be a vote for her. Plain and simple.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Sealing the Southern Border Will Starve Gangs of their "Products to Sell" and Need for So Many Guns

    The flow of illegal drugs and illegal immigrants into our country will be slowed by a majority percentage when we take effective control of our southern border.
    Problems caused by uncontrolled immigration are rampant, obvious and expensive. I don't know any sane person that would disagree with that.
    The easy availability of illegal drugs to use and sell is the fuel of criminal youth activity which naturally leads to gang activity. If you shut down the drug trade, you shut down the gang activity. Most of it, anyway. We will still have other, more or less traditional forms of vice for them to to use but illegal drugs may be more than 90% of the driving force behind gang activity. Its some high percentage. And with gangs come guns and murder.
   Heroin, cocaine, meth, marijuana, ecstasy...they are all coming in in quantity across the southern border. Even a liberal can see that. If we slow the flow of drugs, gangs won't have as much to sell and kill each other over in Chicago and other "gang possessed" communities. So, hey. If you really want to do something about gun violence in this country, seal the southern border and get serious about illegal drugs. 
   When a liberal says we should legalize drugs you must ask yourself, Do I really want my kids and my grand children using those drugs? Driving on the drugs? Driving on the same roads with other drivers on those drugs?Making daily decisions while on those drugs? Addicted to those drugs? Suffering from the long term and often deadly effects of those drugs? Folks, this is an IQ test. Legalizing drugs is NOT the answer. Of course, you didn't hear the Democrats say anything about stopping illegal drugs, did you?
   Did you hear the Democrats say anything about the southern border problems? I have had enough of hearing about bathroom choices,  equality of marriage for our 3% population of gays for God's sake! Please, let's address some of the HUGE issues and do SOMETHING good AND useful AND critical for the entire country for a change and seal the damn border!
   And  please don't let the Media scare you away from Trump. Read what he actually says and not what the Media says what he said. There always seems to be a  world of difference between the two.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Anthropogenic Climate Change is Chapter 1 of Agenda 21

   Agenda 21 looks to me like a typical European Socialist pie in the sky. Take a look at the sites for the key words and you will see the UN desire for control all over it. Remember, G77 are the under developed countries of the world.
   I think the anthropogenic nonsense of  global climate change, again, a European dream...pushing a bloody bucket of power stealing ideas of the UN and Socialists of the world. They are not true, they are lies pushed by the UN, by John Kerry and by Barack Obama, both of whom will soon be gone, praise Jesus......and they are, I suggest, part  of this Agenda 21. It fits. Agenda 21 had to rear it's ugly, bloody head at some point. Well, here it is. Read all about it. Educate yourself. There is no hurry. Just type in Agenda 21 and read a little. These people are power hungry socialists and it shows. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

What I Like As National Political Priorities

1. A balanced US Federal budget. Total tax revenues could be limited as a percentage of GNP. Without a balanced budget there is no use in continuing the conversation because sooner or later debt spending will lead to collapse of the dollar and the economy. That way the only way to get more revenue is to grow the economy or raise the percentage.
2. Fix the immigration system by legislation.
3. Build the wall to stop illegal drugs from flowing into the US. and illegal entry across the US-Mexican border.
4. Continue to adapt defensive methods to suit the new war footing with ISIS and terrorist organizations. Destroy them vigorously.
5. Until anthropogenic causes of climate change are proven, by the vast majority of scientists, and not by the very few agenda controlled group in the UN,  NO funding of anything related to this claim will be provided by the US taxpayer. If we want to provide clean water and electricity to third world countries there is nothing stopping us. Do not ask us to allow the government to cheat us out of what we earn.
6. JOBS! Not infrastructure jobs which cost more than anyone can imagine and actually employ few. We need to smooth the way for small businesses to start up and grow. We should get our smartest people into this effort. We need to sit down together and determine what tax policies really keep corporations offshore and what we can do to reverse that. This is too important to leave to politicians. This has to be a private effort.

What else?

Friday, July 8, 2016

Comey Needs to Recuse the FBI and Democrats Need a New Candidate

   The FBI Director, James Comey, just proved that he does not have the courage to indict H. Clinton. That situation needs an independent investigator. To a large extent he is a victim of the Clinton Game...where their crimes of  yesterday...if they can delay prosecution long enough... those crimes will function as proof of their immunity to justice...and over time, those crimes  will fade in significance when compared to new developments. In the case of the Clintons, it's just more suspicious activities. Suspicion that would sink anyone else. Enormously convincing,  proven with evidence but without absolute, unassailable suspicions of conscious intent.
   Like Krauthammer said today...Comey could not make himself become the person that indicted a possible, though I do not believe she is, President elect, and change American History...The prospect of the pressure of a world of  vitriolic hate from the  "sharky" liberals...(Sharks have eyes but no intelligence)...was too much for him.
   So, Comey should recuse himself, Loretta should recuse herself...maybe have a threesome for lunch...Loretta, James and Bill. Loretta should appoint an independent panel of judges. Or maybe convene a Grand Jury. Leave it to someone with the courage to do their jobs. Make it quick. Perjury shouldn't be that hard to prove. Give the Democrats time to get back up from the floor,  finish their crying and choose another candidate.
   Despite all of the Media support and "apparent" popular following, I don't think she has a snowball's chance in hell. But I have been wrong before. Thanks for reading...and please share this. It would help us spread a word if we ever really need to.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Democrats Are Playing a Transparent Game

   There is no way in Hell Bill Clinton walked into a 30 minute meeting with Loretta Lynch not expecting consequences. No way. Then again,  if it can't be proven...and sometimes even if it can be proven...that doesn't mean they have to admit to anything.
   Loretta Lynch had to withdraw from influencing the FBI's decision whether to indict or not to indict Hillary Clinton. I think those consequences were exactly what everyone wanted to happen.
   The first headline I saw was that Hillary's safety net has been withdrawn. That's the Media's contribution.
   Then news about Clinton asking the AG to hold up on the last of the emails which were internal for 27 months. How is this part of the overall strategy?  Not sure. It could be that there is a lot of bad news in those emails. That's what it looks like. If it is...then this is a last ditch effort to save her.
   That thought aside...if you think about it, Hillary's bottom line is to be able to run for President. She doesn't care if she's indicted. But she wants to be the first female yadada.
   Bill will do anything for her to win. They'll have their funding again, selling access to US power...and, of course, to the US President. Bill will be the defacto President again. She has already said she wants Bill to run foreign policy. He is excited about that! You bet!
   How about Obama? What does he want? He wants to stay in the game, for one thing. He has shown that he does not like the Clintons.  But he is a political game player. He threw Hillary a bone to keep her quiet...with the Secretary of State position. The trouble she has produced is just gravy.
   The main point here is that if his own attorney general is held responsible for indicting or NOT indicting Hillary Clinton, he will get burned either way. His continued influence depends on NOT doing anything use his words.
   So, maybe he called Bill...Maybe Hillary, too. Maybe he said that if Bill would attend a short, publicly obvious meeting with Lynch...she would then be disqualified to act for or against Hillary should the FBI advise indictment. That let's Obama off the hook. AND...if she does this and is allowed to go ahead and run...Obama will campaign for her! Of course he is doing exactly that. Critics might say that he was going to have to do that anyway.  We all know that there is campaigning...and then there is CAMPAIGNING! Don't be naive.
   If she is indicted, one of two things happens. Obama pardons her...and maybe she can go ahead and run. Lets face it. Most Americans don't have a clue how bad her classified leak potential actually was...especially her "light minded" supporters, which most of them are. She wouldn't care, as long as she could still run. If they do this.  Of course, the OTHER possibility...if she is to push her out...and in walks Joe Biden. Good ole Joe. Hell...EVERYBODY loves Joe Biden...but that depends on how the pardon goes. Obama has a bunch of light weight, young liberals working for him. He hasn't anyone who can really predict how something like this will go. So he has to leave his options open.
   If Joe wins, then the Secretary of State's job...or the vice President's office... is available to Obama. He'll still have his influence...he can travel and play golf anywhere in the world...with and without Michelle...he can make hundreds of millions of dollars selling access to US power and decisions just like Hillary has done...and the world...and US power and prestige will be his to gold in a Colorado creek.
   Is there anyone in the world who can't see this happening just like that?
   I still say there  is no way in Hell Bill Clinton walked into a 30 minute meeting with Loretta Lynch not expecting consequences. No way in Hell.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Putin is Using Refugees As Weapons

   It can't be clearer. Putin made Obama back down and kept Assad in power. Assad is murdering his people. Survivors are coming here and to Europe. Putin made this happen. Don't forget it. The outrage from allowing millions of refugees to flood into European countries made their leaders look like floundering idiots. Putin is sitting back smiling. Think about this. Putin knows his oil revenue is not there anymore. If Russia is living on credit...that's not good. When people get hungry...that is how wars start. The Brits are pulling out and the dunderheads in other countries are calling for more of the same. That sound is the European Union splintering.
   Putin is NOT afraid of Obama. He does not respect him. He has a free hand. Just look at what is going on in the Med. He is harassing our military like it's a game. He wants to show us he CAN do it and get away with it. Child's play. If Reagan was President, things would be different.
   My point? If we have Hillary things like this will be MUCH WORSE. Putin could throw us out of the Med. Israel is on the far end of the Med...isolated, vulnerable. There are a lot of things Putin could do if we weren't around.
   This election is about more than getting the first woman as President. The world is splintering and we need vision and leadership...not someone who is selling access to US power and prestige..