Friday, April 22, 2016

It's Not That Liberals Are Stupid...They are Just Not Paying Attention...Maybe.

   Amazed at this Presidential election going on, and what has happened in this country over the past 20 years, I have wondered aloud if it is really possible that upwards of 50% of Americans are just plain idiots. That's a stretch, though. Not well thought out...maybe.  Maybe what's happening is that we have a slew of voters who, for whatever reason, are involved emotionally in one single issue and they vote that way to the exclusion of everything else. They are the ones who would be complaining about the lumpiness of their mattress on the Titanic as it slipped beneath the waves. They do not have their eye on the ball, so to say.
   I do have faith, the American voter. In Donald Trump ,maybe what we have is an expressive habits that are not so polished and edited that the message gets lost. In Cruz, too...I see passion. I like both of them. I can vote for either one.
   The Media? Maybe it's not that they fear passion. Maybe it is that they love passion. They can sell liberal causes that are the grocery store of single issue voters easily with passion and love. I mean, most of these people are not real, educated journalists. Their concerns are to put money in their pockets..keeping a job.  That means painting a picture that sells their media...doing what their bosses and corporate executives tell them to do. That's pretty  clear. Most of the time, if you follow the money, you'll figure it out.
   While the media translates passion for conservative values as a science of denying nutrition to babies, it is interesting that they can deny life to a fully formed 20 week fetus (nine weeks from survival outside the womb) while maintaining their reputation for fighting for the  rights of the downtrodden...right up to and until you reach the point where they decide who is going to pay for everything in their agendas. Then they attack conservatives who react negatively to liberals throwing this country under the financial bus.
   You know, it's incredible, this back and forth,  but it is getting predictable. Maybe the fact that so many millions of Americans are willing to overlook Trump's lack of polish is a sign that these voters are beginning to understand how much single issue voters are hurting this country.
    Are they liberals? Huh? Are they stupid? Could that be it? I think they are just not paying attention.  Give them time. Most of them will grow up, maybe.